Thursday, August 3, 2023

Abuse of pedophiles: Why a pedophile is an abused child

Many adults hate pedophiles. Most adults think a pedophile is the same thing as a child rapist. Most people believe that pedophiles are incapable of trauma. The fact of the matter is that a pedophile never forgets abuse from parents. Abuse of pedophiles is a form of religious child abuse in the form of sexual shaming abuse against pedophiles. The core of the victims of pedophile hysteria are children themselves.

What is pedophilia? Most people think that it is something hidden at a low level. The fact of the matter is that pedophilia is a form of immature autism where the age-oriented sexual preferences of the individual with autism correspond with the individual's immature developmental level. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children in terms of knowledge or social skills, and their age-oriented sexual preferences reflect that. Most pedophilia is a humanizing attraction towards the child, meaning the pedophile views the child as a fellow human being, but with sexual connotations attached to the child. Pedophilia, in short, is the primary or exclusive sexual preference for children. If you don't have that sexual preference, you are not a pedophile. If you abuse while having that sexual preference, you don't deserve sympathy - you deserve prison. Pedophilia appears outwardly as a child-centered form of autism in most cases, usually with the autism having moderate severity. In most cases, this child-centered form of autism is rule-oriented, meaning a pedophile usually has a form of autism that sees the world in terms of laws and rules. 

Abuse of pedophiles is a form of sexual shaming abuse against pedophiles, with the pedophile, in most cases, being a child. The type of sexual shaming abuse that pedophilic children usually endure is lawful in nature, meaning most pedophiles are sexually shamed within the law, usually by spiritually abusive parents. In many other cases, however, pedophilic children are subject to corrective rape or sexual assault. 

There are many Bible passages that are misused in order to defend the "right" of parents to sexually shame their pedophilic children. One passage is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman in order to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even sexual desire towards children. This word instead refers to sexual entitlement, with sexual entitlement being defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach outside of marriage. Righteous masturbation means for a pedophile that they indulge in masturbatory fantasies about children instead of approaching children for sexually motivated reasons. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that masturbation is this big sin. Instead, the Early Christians interpreted the Law in a manner saying that if a man approaches a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons, that it is as if he committed the sin in and of itself. Yet, many parents of pedophilic children still shame their children for indulging in masturbatory fantasy.

There are actually two groups of pedophiles at risk for abuse - children attracted to much younger children, and care-dependent adults attracted to children. Most abuse of pedophiles by parents and caregivers involves being forced to avoid masturbation, with the abusers usually citing religious reasons for doling out their abuse. Merely walking in on a pedophile masturbating is, in fact, abuse of pedophiles, and is not to be tolerated in any home or legal domicile where a pedophile lives. 

Most law enforcement agencies (LEAs) are ill-equipped to deal with abuse of pedophiles. Also, most abuse of pedophiles occurs within the law, meaning the "reasonable chastisement" defense protects most abuse of pedophiles, because it comes in the form of corporal punishment usually when abuse of pedophiles is a form of child abuse. Usually, the police only become relevant when abuse of pedophiles comes in the form of corrective rape or sexual assault, in which case the victim sides with the abuser out of self-hatred. Pedophile self-hatred is one where you lump yourself in with adults who rape and sexually assault children, and believe falsely that you could somehow end up like them. All LEAs who have heard out abuse of pedophiles cases to the fullest have turned pro-pedophile.

Pedophile self-hatred and abuse of pedophiles go hand in hand, meaning one leads to the other. Most pedophiles hate themselves because they had sexually shaming parents that hated them. Most parents can tell that their children are attracted to much younger children by things such as where the child looks, in relation to when they masturbate.

Pedophiles, from early on, need a support system to talk to. I myself am a pedophile, and am fortunate enough to have a mother and a therapist to talk to. As soon as I self-diagnosed myself as a pedophile, I disclosed to my mother. The only stigma I got from disclosing to others was that I wasn't believed, meaning people did not want to attach such a stigmatizing label to me. I currently do not fit the diagnostic criteria for pedophilic disorder, as it does not affect my life negatively, and I am not acting on my desires. If I ever find myself approaching young girls like I have in the past, that constitutes a mental illness to me, and I want to be officially diagnosed as soon as that obsessive behavior appears. I don't mean well in relation to children as a pedophile, and I don't pretend to, but I am grateful that I have people listening to me. I don't deserve to be accepted by others, but I guess I have earned it, as most people in my life accept me despite having that disorder. I turned myself in. I just want someone to be there with unconditional love when a child turns themselves in to their parents for being a pedophile. I want every pedophile to have the same acceptance I received when I turned myself in. I owe many thanks to all that have helped me through this journey. 

For most pedophiles, the only hurdle is accepting themselves. Most pedophiles have to accept themselves due to also being survivors of child abuse. I am the rare pedophile that has a sexual harassment problem. Most pedophiles simply hate themselves, and if they try to repress their sexual fantasies, they may come out sideways onto a child. Most pedophiles are more the victim than the perpetrator. We all as adults pose some risk to children, but pedophiles actually pose a lesser risk to children than an ordinary adult. Most adults are blissfully unaware of their sexual drive for children - which all adults have - but pedophiles are blatantly and painfully aware that they are attracted to children. All most pedophiles need to know that it is normal. 

You can tell if a pedophile is an abuser by their disclosure. Most pedophilic children disclose tearfully to their parents. I didn't. I disclosed in a tone-deaf type of way, meaning I literally didn't understand the gravity of that label. I am what they call an obvious abuser, meaning that in the past, I was obvious about my sexual harassment habit towards children that took the form of pedophilia. Most pedophiles don't react that way to the realization that they are a pedophile. I was obsessed with my self-diagnosis ("I'm officially nuts"), and then to the child I was attracted to. I parentified children, meaning I put young girls in the role of babysitter, and wanted them to tend to me like they were my mother. The obsessing about specific children was what was the mental disorder for me. 

The depraved and decadent parents who provoke their pedophilic children to anger through sexual shaming abuse will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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