Thursday, July 6, 2023

Anti-Autism: A former abuser's personal essay

Anti-Autism is a term coined by former children's rights advocate Nadine Block. It does NOT mean that we judge all autism disclosures as abuser disclosures. But, if you are being confronted for abusing a child in any way, and you use "autism" as a medical excuse for abuse, I immediately condemn you and deem you a shunned party. Autism is not a benign mental health disorder. Most professionals in the child protection fields deem autism as a threat to children, because pretty much wherever autism and children are mixed, it leads to abuse in some way.

I am a former abuser of children. I was an antisocial "flirt" towards children, meaning I flirted in a sexually deviant manner towards female children. I would wave to them with the intent to flirt with them, and I either sexually offended them or sexually procured them. I am deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing with the record that I have.

On one notable occasion, I was with my cousin in the attic at my grandparents' house. I sexually assaulted my cousin by engaging in antisocial "rough-play", where I was roughhousing with her on the bed and I disclosed that I was a pedophile, as a joke of sorts. Sexual assault is defined as any perception of sexual entitlement that is non-consensual ranging from leering to rape. She let me know that she felt offended by the interaction, and I respected her wishes. But, since I did something without her consent, it was sexual assault. 

I am a soft parent caregiver by nature. My style of gentle parenting is very affectionate and warm, but I know to set boundaries. I wouldn't have known how to set boundaries comfortably if I hadn't joined the children's rights community. Here, I have developed the proper conditioning and posture to set proper limits with children. I would now set boundaries by setting a proper Christian example for children, and then catching them being good when following it. I didn't know all this parenting knowledge before children's rights. 

I have autism, and I am an ambivert. I am introverted around other adults, but come out of my shell around children. I am actually more willing to leave my comfort zone when around children, because they motivate me to do things for them that I wouldn't do for anyone else. Children are special to me, and each one is a special individual with special needs, and I want to get to know a child and get to know what they need from me. I want to be needed by a child. I want to be used by a child for vulnerable needs. When I was entitled in my autism, I wanted the company of children, but in a parentifying way, and only with a young girl that I had a crush on.

Despite having autism, I think my autism, in conjunction with being a pedophile, made me the abuser that I am. The cycle of abuse would be the same. I would become obsessed and fixated on a child, meaning a specific child would become a special interest of sorts. I would follow them around when I saw them, then waving to them. I would then perseverate over the child by talking nonstop about her.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sex offenders who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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