Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The benefits of pedophilia: The biological advantage to pedophiles

Many parents hate pedophiles. Most people hate the concept of pedophilia, including a lot of pedophiles. Pedophile hatred is a common sentiment across modern cultures. The fact of the matter is that pedophilia has a biological advantage for men in one aspect of life, and it isn't the bedroom - that will always be off the table. Pedophilia, when centered correctly, is a male nurturing instinct. 

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is a form of immature autism, where the age-oriented sexual preferences of the individual with autism corresponds with their immature developmental level. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children, in terms of knowledge and social skills. Their whole worldview is centered around children as an individual with autism, and when you take a look under the surface, their sex drive corresponds with this. 

A pedophile is a parent, but a parallel parent, in policing format. A pedophile is strongarm for the children, and naturally is drawn to police the natural/legal parents. I myself profile for parents, as I was abused by parents. What would I do with that child? I would snuggle with her. I would bathe her (and look respectfully, of course). I would feed her and nourish her. I would comfort all her sorrows. I would follow my instincts in caring for her every vulnerable need. And her parents just order her around like some slave? But, since kidnapping is a moral crime even under the pure biblical tense, I hope one day the police can barge in and put the fear of God in those parents. I judge such parents righteously, and spy on parents in order to condemn them to Hell. I decide right there and then that I want nothing to do with such parents, and if they were to speak to me, it would end up as an abrupt stop on my part, as I shun such parents as a Christian. But I can tell you, no matter how much that child cried and screamed - perhaps in conjunction with the word "no" - I would never punish such a child, and neither would I get angry. I never have been angry with a child in my life.

What motivates my nurturing instinct? Sexual desire, at just the right level. That's how it was with the ancients in biblical times, some of whom fit the diagnostic criteria for pedophilia. If you were a pedophile in the Early Church, you were set aside as a special deacon to enforce the Law on entitled parents. The Apostle Paul was actually in charge of this special deaconship - the Apostle Paul was anti-spanking through and through. Usually, he was nervous, living his life in regret after a life of killing Christians. However, when a child was being offended, the old Paul came out, and Paul could be ruthless in using gaslighting to bring down the parents. When the parents were excommunicated from the church, the orphaned children ultimately went with pedophiles, and the pedophiles asked for no sexual favors in return. 

Any time you center a sexual desire, it comes back as a nurturing instinct. What ultimately centers sexual desires towards children, however, is the depravity route. A true pedophile, at some level, needs to be convicted of the fact that they are a depraved and decadent sinner, who is deserving of absolutely nothing, including nothing from any child. This leads to a sense of urgency where the pedophile seeks to earn his goodness by performing acts of good works for children. This belief system ultimately rewires the brain and centers the sex drive, which is further centered by the pedophile indulging in masturbatory fantasy to keep down the flames. This leads to a centered sex drive, where the pedophile can focus on nurturing a child, which is what parenting should be all about. They can then step in when some other parent can't take care of a child. Most pedophiles use depravity methods without being motivated by the existence of God or a set of gods, but some of us need God to motivate us with a Heaven and a Hell, because otherwise we would justify our desires instead of our nurturing instincts. 

Being a pedophile caring for a child has a certain feeling to it. It is totally being beholden to the needs of the child, without questioning the child's expressed needs. Usually, they cry, and you scramble to reassure their sorrows. You may be attracted to them, but only in the background, in a way that colors the child, and then you end up paying more attention to the child. This is how all fathers should feel about their child, and if they instead feel gruffly and want to police the child, maybe they aren't really parents in my book - they just are, in another tense. It is like the child rules over you, places chains and shackles on you, but you never would want anything else in the whole world. You are completely and totally enslaved to that child, and you defend your master vociferously. The child becomes like God to you, and you revere and fear that child, in a way that makes you melt nervously, in a shaking and quaking sort of way.

There is a proven theory in social work known as the Cinderella effect. This means that parents are, in fact, the best caregivers of children, by track record. Parents today are just brainwashed by false and abusive religious teachings and false context on parenting. Place a child with anyone else, and they might get worse treatment, however. An exception is pedophiles, who usually make a single parent who does it all, for a child that isn't even his. 

I propose a newly revamped foster care system, where you need a DSM-5 diagnosis of pedophilic disorder in order to be a foster parent. If you have a criminal history or are a sex offender, you will be excluded from the program. But, if you simply have an attraction to children, why not put it to good use? Pedophiles are the most qualified of foster parents out there, yet also are the most overlooked. In biblical times, it was no question - the pedophiles stepped in when nobody else could take care of the child. The pedophiles nurtured. The pedophiles protected. 

Pedophiles were designed by God and evolution to be an alternate caregiver to children, when the parents didn't meet the mark. This was demonstrated throughout ancient history, and throughout biblical history. In biblical times, the pedophiles were the child abuse division of the religious authorities, and the religious authorities beat parents to a pulp when they abused a child, in order to get them to submit and surrender the child to the authorities willfully. Then, one of the pedophiles took in the child, and nurtured the child like a mother would, snuggling with them and holding them reassuringly when they cried. Many of the pedophiles lactated and nourished the children when nobody else would. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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