Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Why pedophilia is not a medical excuse for abuse

Many people hate pedophiles. This is a common hatred amongst American adults. There is a growing movement of supporters for pedophiles. Many of these supporters of pedophiles also excuse sex offenders, saying that pedophilia is a "difficult urge" to deal with. Most people believe that a pedophile who sexually abuses a child cannot help their "urges". The fact of the matter is that pedophilic desire is the easiest of all abusive tendencies to resist, and thus there is no medical excuse for child abuse.

What is pedophilia? Many people understand pedophilia as something hidden at a certain low level, meaning a narcissist. The fact of the matter is that pedophilia is not a narcissist, but a form of immature autism where the age-oriented sexual preferences of the individual with autism correspond with the arrested emotional development in the individual with autism/pedophilia. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children in terms of knowledge and social skills, meaning they both collect knowledge about children, and have better social skills around children than around adults. A pedophile has not internalized society's hatred for children, and is in full touch with his/her nurturing instincts. A predatory pedophile is created by lack of moral internalization, or internalization of abusive religious doctrine. Your average predatory pedophile has internalized the societal hatred of children. A non-offending pedophile has no clue what it is like to stigmatize childhood, because children are their specialty.

Most pedophiles do not sexually abuse children, with 3 out of 4 pedophiles not raping or sexually assaulting children. When pedophiles do abuse children, they usually do so in the form of obsessive sexual harassment. Power and influence abusers are rare but prolific, and have completely internalized the societal hatred of children. Most pedophiles know that sexually abusing children is wrong, and are in fact at the lowest risk for sexually abusing a child.

Every single adult is capable of sexually abusing a child under the right/wrong conditions. Most child sexual abuse takes place in sexually repressed environments where masturbation is seen as "sin", in the form of abusive religious doctrine. Usually, child sexual abuse occurs when the individual adult represses their sex drive towards children to the point where it comes out sideways, usually when alone with a child. All adults are attracted to children at some level. Most all, if not all, men are attracted to pubescent children. 20% of men are attracted to prepubescent children. Most women are attracted to pubescent boys at some level. Most adults repress their sex drive towards children. Most pedophiles do not.

The pedophiles that do sexually abuse children make non-offending pedophiles look bad. I am only a non-offending pedophile because I strive not to abuse a child now and in the future. In the past, I was an obivous abuser of children, meaning my sexual abuse towards them was obvious. The abuse came out in the form of obsessive sexual harassment of young girls. I deluded myself into things like them being old enough for me but "looking younger". I would approach the young girls, and ask them for their number or other contact information. If I got what I wanted there, I would invite myself over to their house, hoping the parents would feel sorry for me because I was autistic. I appear autistic, meaning you can tell by my facial expression and my voice tonality that I am autistic, and I used that as a bargaining chip, meaning I was also a vulnerability abuser. Most pedophiles aren't like me. Most pedophiles, at the age that I offended, are more of a danger to themselves than anyone else. I had to learn how to self-loathe at the right amount in order to avoid feeling like I deserved "my love" in some distant way. Most pedophiles simply are capable of sexually abusing children, but being capable isn't the same as acting out. 

I apologize for not being representative of all pedophiles. I point out my past offenses in order to point out what a predatory pedophile looks like. What is a predatory pedophile? Think the socially awkward man who follows a young girl home from school, or lurks around schoolyards and playgrounds, harassing the children there sexually. Usually, pedophilic abusers have not internalized that their behavior is in fact sexually amoral by our norms as a country. 

Parents may have to face that their child is a pedophile, and usually, it shows from the time they are young. Most pedophilic children might guard younger siblings from being reprimanded. Usually, a pedophile disclosure is not "like a bomb going off". Most pedophile disclosures are more like a ball of tears. If your child discloses pedophilia to you, look for tears, and if they are crying, their heart is in the right place. If they are tone-deaf about the disclosure, then you should engage them in sex education about the harm of child sexual abuse - that's what my mother did with me. I hang out with trauma survivors because I want to be confronted with their trauma, so I know what I am capable of. The fact that I have such a need as a pedophile means I am a predatory pedophile by nature, and have to atone for my existence. Most pedophiles simply need to feel comfortable in their own skin.

The prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles does not come from this children's rights movement. The actual source of the religious hysteria against pedophiles and pedophilia is the Roman Catholic Church. The Early Christians welcomed pedophiles as full members of the church, with pedophiles being put in charge of deaconship towards child abusers infiltrating the church. Then, the Roman Catholic Church created the teaching against lust, which was reinterpreted as all sexual desire, in order to control an empire. The Greek root word translated "lust" in the Bible is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement, which is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. It is not enough to want someone sexually in order to be sexually entitled. You have to want them to the point of sexually motivated approach. Righteous masturbation was a way that the Early Christians purged unrequited lusts. The false and abusive teaching that masturbation is somehow a "sin" is what oppresses pedophiles, since your average pedophile has nowhere to go with that desire but masturbation. That masturbatory sexual awareness is what prevents child sexual abuse, and it is lacking in our society.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators of children who defile themselves next to child victims will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of everlasting Hell-fire! Repent!

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