Monday, April 17, 2023

Anti-Parent: Why parents are to blame for the child abuse epidemic

April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month. Most people associate pedophiles with child abuse. It has been proven by case study that pedophilia, by the clinical understanding, has very little to do with child abuse, with pedophiles being among the safest adults to leave your child with. 80% of child sexual abuse offenses were committed by a parent. Therefore, we as a Children's Rights movement is going after parents next. Anti-Parent is a system of righteous judgment that polices the parents.

Why do we need to profile parents instead of pedophiles? Most of the time, pedophiles are the victim of crime and abuse, not abusers or criminals at all, much like any other mental illness. Most of the time, pedophiles are being abused by parents, and most all of the time, they never forget their abuse. A pedophile never forgets enduring abuse from a parent. Pedophiles are barometers of trauma in broader society, and so we can learn a lot about trauma from pedophiles. I myself am a pedophile, and have "adult" trauma - the deepest level of awareness of trauma in our society.

I myself am a pedophile survivor of law-abiding parents. My parents surely abused me, yet they followed the law. I was put in time-out by both of my parents, meaning both my parents falsely imprisoned me. My father used disciplinary spankings "out of love" on me. Both parents have turned away from their abusive habits. I forgive them, but I don't forget, and I only forgive my parents because they apologized, and are now open to attachment parenting. My father passed away a few years ago, and he died with an open mind for attachment parenting. Now, I am a law and order children's rights conservative. My parents were liberals who would vote straight Democratic and wear that choice like a badge of honor. I myself am a conservative-leaning independent, and so I vote for whomever I want come the general election. Theologically, I am fundamentalist, with Mennonite values. The way a pedophile is naturally conditioned, they never repress trauma, with trauma being something obvious and in-your-face to the pedophile. It is a myth that pedophiles are incapable of trauma. Trauma is an inherent experience for pedophiles, and an inescapable one.

How do you profile parents? A parent has parental entitlement, and the two items are inseparable. Anti-Parent is an anti-entitlement cause. Parent-figures are to be presumed innocent in all things, beyond a reasonable doubt, with doubting suspicion. Judging parents righteously is like chasing them down a flight of stairs. You suspect parents of something, yet you doubt until you have all of the evidence. You doubt the entitlement of a parent-figure, and keep doubting their entitlement, until you can no more, and then you slap on the anti-entitlement charges of parental entitlement. Parental entitlement is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 5:11 KJV:
But now I have written unto you not to keep company; if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an no not to eat.

All of these enumerated offenses, including entitlement itself, can be perpetrated against a child by a parent. The Greek root word translated "covetous" is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and is defined as, officially speaking, want, to the point of imposition. This Greek root word literally translates to "entitled existence", which was assumed of all people in the Early Church. It was one thing to defend your existence, which we all have to do when the situation calls for it. But, to defend your entitled existence means you are defending your right to exist while having entitlement. Entitlement dampens your right to exist, and so in order to earn your right to exist, parents need to avoid all entitlement, including parental entitlement. A parent, by definition, defends parental entitlement, and otherwise, they simply imply their existence as parent-figures. We can still call implied parents, parents, but only in implicit manner. Parents are to give to their children in secret. See also Matt. 6:4. 

Where does the prejuicial hatred of pedophiles come from? Pedophile hysteria comes in the form of, at the core, religious child abuse towards pedophilic children, most always by parents. Most pedophiles have a parent trauma of the religious variety, meaning they hate Christian parents especially, with most pedophiles being either atheists or agnostics. Pedophilic trauma is a specific form of trauma where a pedophile, due to enduring spiritual abuse from parents, hates themselves and loathes themselves due to internalizing mental health stigma of the religious sort about pedophilia. It is a form of predestination trauma where a pedophile feels predestined to sexually abuse a child. What they need to know is that a pedophile has personal choice. 

Pedophile hysteria is like a mesh over society. The people picking up the mesh and using it as a weapon against pedophiles are usually guilty of sex crimes themselves, meaning rape or sexual assault, usually of children. Usually, a sexually abusive parent will try to out every parent around them as "the pedophile", and this is a deflection mechanism so that people aren't paying attention to their abuse of their children. That's how the flames of hysteria spread across the country, and across the globe.

Parents are my abuser, as well as every single adult, including the adults that my parents extended into my life with their power and influence. Every time I see a parent in public, I suspect them of child abuse. I do, in fact, use doubting suspicion, but that simply means I have the right to suspect all parents of child abuse, but have to doubt my suspicion until I receive evidence proving the parent-figure as being a full-blown parent, thus guilty of parental entitlement. I presume innocence in parents, beyond a reasonable doubt, with doubting suspicion. There is no need to say "I am a parent" to me or in my vicinity. If tell me "I am a parent" as an excuse for entitlement, that's the last time you'll hear from me. I was given a similar line, "I am your parent" sometimes followed by "I am not your friend". That always stuck with me. We as adults have all the rights, and the children none, and now that I am an adult, I feel the need to atone for my existence as an adult - just so I am better than the adults that abused me.

The parent entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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