Monday, March 20, 2023

What is pedophilia? What is pedophile hysteria?

Many people hate pedophiles. This is a common hatred in American society. However, more and more people are getting on the side of pedophiles, to varying degrees. Many people support abolishing the sex offender registry. Many people, usually in the trauma-informed arena, are coming to understand pedophilia as a very real mental illness, starting with the founding of the Virtuous Pedophiles forum in 2012. Most of the core supporters of pedophiles, however, still blame the children's rights community for not accepting pedophiles. There is a slot in this community for as many pedophiles as it can support, as long as the pedophiles don't cause too much trouble. What is pedophilia? Once you understand what the disorder is, you won't hate them at all. But, there is a prejudicial hysteria, and that hysteria needs to be tamped down at all costs. 

What is pedophilia? Most people think a pedophile is a narcissist, and is something someone hides. This is false. Pedophilia is a form of immature autism, where the age-oriented sexual development of the pedophile corresponds with their arrested emotional maturity. Most pedophiles also have moderate-severe autism, and their special interests usually correspond with their sexual interest in children. It is a low-level sexuality, just as autistic sexuality usually is. Children's rights is a common interest for a pedophile like me. Most pedophiles have a rule-oriented form of autism known as the "rule boy" profile. A "rule boy" pedophile believes that children are a special class, and thus the rules don't apply to children. It is the view of the pedophile that a child can do no wrong. A pedophile is someone with autism who only wants frends with children, and adults their age or older are "chopped liver". Children are a small part of life to most people, but not to a pedophile. Autism is a specializing disorder, where individuals with autism specialize in a certain topic, and focus on that topic heavily. When that topic of speciality is children, particularly in a legalistic, adversarial way, think pedophile. Usually, this adversarial attitude is akin to that of a defense attorney, but in this case the defense attorney wants to get the child out of trouble. A common behavior in pedophilic children is guarding younger siblings or younger family members when they are being reprimanded, meaning standing in the way of the parent scolding the child. To the pedophile, scolding the child is unfair and unjust.

Where did the prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles come from? It is a myth that the children's rights community created a hysteria. The true source of pedophile hysteria dates back to the Roman Catholic Church. Before Constantine, the Early Church welcomed pedophiles as long as they remained non-offending, with pedophiles usually being the men that were single and celibate, yet very kind and charitable to children. The Apostle Paul is an example of a biblical pedophile. The Apostle Paul was a strongman, but in first-to-last context, meaning he was a strongman for the little guy, including children. A pedophile was seen then as a strongman for children, like a defense attorney, and when the church elders voted to split up a family - which they could do - the pedophiles in the church cared for the children, asking nothing in return from children. In other ancient cultures, predatory pedophiles were allowed, but God chose Israel, a country that only allowed non-offending pedophiles. After Constantine, the Christian teaching on pedophilia was altered to suit the need of Emperor Constanting to control the Holy Roman Empire, meaning all pedophilia was sin since it couldn't be acted upon. One Bible verse cited by the Roman Catholic Church to prohibit all masturbation, and one that has been used against pedophiles in this capacity is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement, which is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Masturbation was a mandate for pedophiles in the Bible, in order to re-channel sexual desire away from having sex with actual children. Child sexual abuse was rare next to non-existent in biblical times, and only occurred in the most sexually repressed of environments.

However, the Roman Catholic Church chose to spread false religious doctrine that masturbation and sexual fantasy was sin, and that because of this, no pedophile would ever make it into Heaven. From there, that teaching was absorbed into all of the seceding churches during all three reformations. That is the reason why most Christians believe that a pedophile cannot be saved - because we were first told that masturbation alone was a hamper on our salvation, when it is not.

This same sexual repression of sexual thought about children ultimately led to the sexual abuse epidemic that we have today. Most fathers in particular are sexually attracted to their daughters, whether they are pedophiles or not. Decent fathers, by today's standards, distance themselves from their daughters. Sexual abuse happens when that sexual repression leads to the sexual desires come out sideways onto the child, usually in a predatory manner that treats the child more like food than a human being. If those fathers simply masturbated when they got sexual thoughts about their child, they wouldn't be sexually abusing them.

Pedophile hysteria is a form of mental health stigma of the admit variety. Pedophilia became associated with child sexual abuse because the religious stigma to labeling yourself a pedophile was so great in the 1970s that only avowed abusers used the label, and used it falsely. The true pedophiles remained hidden, and that was because their caregivers probably hid their disorder from sight. Today, the bulk of pedophile haters are the sexual abusers of children themselves, usually by blaming an easy target for what they are actually doing. Most sexual abusers of children are parents, or else trusted adults extended by the parents, or both. Any time you meet someone who calls everyone around them "the pedophile", think sexual abuse, because that is what they are doing on the other side of that facade, and seeing it in everyone else through foggy glasses.

Today, there is more for pedophiles than there ever was since the formation of this country. All a pedophile needs is someone to talk to, in normal language. I myself am a well-adjusted pedophile currently, meaning I am happy with life with what little I have, and I am grateful that I have people to talk to. I have a mother and a therapist, and other people that I could talk to if I ever needed to. I used to be an obvious abuser by nature, but I got better just by talking to someone about my attractions, and I talked to my therapist, my doctor, and my mother in order to sort things out in my head. At this point, all I want from children is to be around them. That wasn't the case before.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sexual abusers of children who project onto pedophiles will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
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