Monday, March 27, 2023

Obvious sexual abuse: Why your child might be being molested right under your nose

Many people these days think of child sexual abuse as a hidden thing. It usually is a hidden thing, meaning most of the time, the abuser operates by way of "shut up" tactics, and that is how victims remain silent. Sometimes, the abuse does not happen in secret, but instead out in the open. This is a new abuser trend known as obvious sexual abuse. I myself am the perpetrator of obvious sexual abuse. I never shut up my victims, and I abused them openly and loudly, without knowing the repercussions of my behavior. 

An obvious abuser is a zig-zag groomer. A zig-zag groomer usually tries to get around the parents in some way. An obvious abuser is a vulnerability abuser most times. What I did was ask children personal questions regarding where they lived, with the hope of one day having the chance to crash-land at their house. When confronted by the parents, I would use my autistic vulnerability as an excuse for abuse, hoping the parents would feel sorry for me. This was a method that I came up with on my own.

One notable case that I perpetrated that came to the attention of the authorities was involving one of my victims, who remains anonymous for her own protection. I rationalized that, because she was in the same classroom as me, that she was my age or around my age. She wasn't. She was four years younger than me. I went to her house after riding the city bus to her area, and then heard the sound of a 9-1-1 operator. I was taken away without charges being pressed. Back then, I was suffering from bipolar mania, and on the track to becoming a pedophile.

Even when medicated for my bipolar disorder, I pursued young girls, and as I grew up, they did not. In one case, I went up to a young girl and asked her for her number. I aged her around age 12. She declined to give me the information, saying "that is confidential". I later found out she was 9. I was 16 at the time. I would follow this girl around the pool deck at the community pool where I met her, and then get high off of waving to her. I was using her for a romantic relationship that wasn't there and shouldn't be there, meaning a one-sided "love" affair. I was becoming a "love" addict, slipping away into obsessive bliss about young girls.

I had a change of heart when my first crush from the pool was standing near the concession stand. I was smiling at her, and she said in a shaky voice "What do you want with me?". It was then that my stomach dropped. I went to the fence of the property, planning to possibly surrender myself to the police. I barely could voice my apologies, I was that scared. From there, I vowed never to interact with children ever again, unless they wanted the interaction, with the presumption that they don't.

Eventually, I had a full change of heart, and became the Christian I was predestined to becoming. I became aware of the teaching to obey the higher authorities in Christianity. I found out I was using the secular law itself as false religion. I derived my morality as an atheist then from the law itself, and with my "love" addiction, I looked to skirt the law. 

My current Christian beliefs forbid me from even approaching a young girl for sexual or flirtatious reasons. Approaching a young girl in any way, including through flirting, is the moral crime of adult sexual entitlement. Once the child perceives the entitlement, it is the moral crime of adult fornication. I also have amendments to my theology, such as never interacting with a child except with the permission of her mother. I am not allowed to even speak to a child unless her mother approves. I am not allowed to speak in public, lest my voice carry, and budgeting my words gives me a sense of discipline so I do not waste those words on a child in the form of sexual entitlement as an adult. Every act I did as a child is something I did as an adult to a child victim.

I am still burned up by how adults deal with abusers like me. Most people blame the victim with obvious sexual abuse. Obvious abusers usually have autism, and usually use it as a vulnerability tactic, and usually, it works. They usually get to abuse freely and openly, bragging about their crushes on children wherever they go in the form of sexual slander. Usually, they only flirt, but we are a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian norms, and those norms prohibit flirting with minor children. Leftist, disability rights political correctness allows for obvious abusers to fester, when they should be caged.

I am a depraved and decadent sinner who is deserving of absolutely nothing in relation to children. I am deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing as the adult that I am. I am grateful for the forgiveness and grace coming from my victims, as I am deserving of absolutely none of it.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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