Thursday, February 16, 2023

The "electra" and "oedipus" complexes: The key to how to prevent child sexual abuse

Many parents think that child sexual abuse is caused solely by pedophiles. This is a common belief amongst American parents. Most American parents think that pedophiles are the cause of all our woes when it comes to the child sexual abuse epidemic. The fact of the matter is that most child sexual abuse has little to do with pedophiles, and everything to do with one facet of our sinful nature - the electra complex. 

Every single adult is guilty merely for existing in relation to children, and is deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children. All adults are capable of the worst forms of child abuse under the right/wrong conditions, and thus all adults have an entitlement to keep in check. The electra and oedipus complexes, as first theorized by Sigmund Freud, are central to the risk of sexual offending amongst all adults, but especially parents. 

Child sexuality can be understood as a form of criss-cross in terms of paths. Boys between the ages of 3 and 6 naturally form a sexual attraction to their mothers, which is usually unrequited. Girls between the ages of 3 and 6 often form sexual attraction for their fathers, and vice versa. Today, these complexes, which were out in the open in biblical times, are repressed today in the minds of most Americans. That's where danger lurks.

Most child sexual abuse comes from repressed sexual desire that is repressed by the offender to the point where it comes out sideways onto the victim, usually when the child victim and perpetrator are alone with each other. It is usually a packet of repressed sexual drive that comes out onto the child. Usually, the offender would not meet the diagnostic criteria for pedophilic disorder as per the DSM-5. 

The answer is pro-social fantasy about one's child. The Greek root word denoting lust and inordinate affections in the New Testament is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, nor to sexual desire about children, nor to even incestuous desire. This word refers to sexual entitlement, as defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The idea behind avoiding sexually abusing a child is watching your intent in approaching a child. When alone and with only yourself, it actually would be wise to masturbate to thoughts of children you are attracted to.

Pro-social fantasy, when practiced properly - meaning every time - can improve the relationship between children and the parent of the opposite sex. Fathers usually end up reeling themselves down to the child's level, being a playmate to the child. One flaw of this setup is that not every child is treated equally by the father. No child should be mistreated by the father, as that isn't what occurs in such homes. But, some children are ignored more than others. The mother is the one that sees the children clearly and equally. Fathers are best for protection and keeping guard for external threats. Mothers also protect children, mainly from internal threats such as the sexual entitlement of fathers. 

When the opposite-sex sexual complexes between parent and child are brought to the surface, they will be much easier to manage. Adult attraction to children is easiest to control when it is on the surface, and you can "see" your intent in relation to your child. Otherwise, you may have intent towards your child and not know it, and if this is the case, that intent needs to be discharged at once through masturbation. Try and experiment, especially if you are a non-pedophile, and fantasize about a child sexually. Where do you go? Most men, according to researchers, go towards their own daughters, and are shocked about it later. They didn't even know they were capable of such a thing. The idea is, once you get past the initial shock, to keep on going until it feel comfortable to fantasize about your daughter as a father. Then, you'll likely feel more comfortable with your own daughter.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sexual abusers of children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent! 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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