Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Gaslighting: Why gaslighting is a form of entitlement in and of itself

Many people do not understand how policing works today. Policing has gone hi-tech, particularly in the Northeastern states. This is an issue that isn't on my priority list, but one I do want to speak about. Most people who oppose the police on gaslighting are anti-police civil libertarians who don't like the idea of combing. I am not one of those people. I personally support combing for evidence as opposed to putting suspects on a rink.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement, including gaslighting entitlement, and cross-references the Tenth Commandment, is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting to control another person though gaslighting means, to the point of imposition. The Bible mentions gaslighting entitlement specifically when speaking of gaslighting one's parents. See Leviticus 20:9 KJV:

For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall surely be put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.

"Curseth" here, in context, refers to a gaslighting curse. Adult children frequently administered gaslighting curses upon their parents, and God hated it all. God hates gaslighting so much that He protected parents from it specifically. God, however, hates all gaslighting. Even if you are guilty of a crime, God instead says to "love thy enemy", and true Love does not allow for gaslighting, at all. Due to this commandment, I do not want my abuser, the parent, to be gaslit, even if they show every sign of guilt. Comb their a**, assuming something is there, in which case, we don't care. 

I am a proponent of family values policing, also known as anti-entitlement policing, which presume innocence in abusers beyond a reasonable doubt. Believe me, if you are guilty in front of the family values police, they will find out, and they will catch you. I want my abuser to be presumed innocent, and even be rehabilitated if they show remorse instead of entitlement. But, if they show entitlement, I want the parent scum to hang from the highest tree - bloody! Just like they did it in the Old Testament! Maybe I don't want my abuser to hang literally, as I am against the death penalty, but I'll take all of the prison time the legal system affords and give it to my abuser, and a form of Christian help, because they are sick in the heart for wanting to hurt a child as a means of teaching. 

The way that family values policing works is that parents are "innocent until proven guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt". This means that the police doubt the guilt of parents, until they can doubt no more, and then the parents are arrested. The massive heap of evidence is then rammed through the court. Picture parents literally shaking in the courtroom, as the judge has already decided their fate. Maybe the entitled parents kill themselves. Good for them! Let them burn in Hell for all eternity!...But don't gaslight my abuser. THAT is going too far. I protect my abuser the best I can from gaslighting.

I practice family values policing as a private citizen, being a righteous judge, on a high plane above a sinful world predestined for destruction. Family values policing is one of those policing styles that even a civillian can pick up, and possibly use in order to assist the police. Just gather all of the evidence, and turn the suspect in with the evidence to the local police department. 

For Northern police, the effects of gaslighting have been disastrous. The main problem is that nobody wants to talk to the police anymore. They are afraid of being gaslit if they get too close to the police. The police here in Berks County, Pennsylvania literally have to do a battery of intrusive questions, and even encamp themselves at the doorstep of even witnesses, in order to get one morsel of evidence from the witnesses. Gaslighting was a mistake of this movement from the start, and now, trauma survivors are lobbying their local police to end predator policing.

We will end this segment with one question - what about the pedophiles? Why is it wrong to gaslight a pedophile? It is in fact a myth that gaslighting falsely incriminates pedophiles. But, most pedophiles have religious sexual trauma of the sexual shaming sort. Some parents gaslight their own children as a form of overhead control, and sometimes the child happens to be a pedophile. Most pedophiles are atheist or agnostic, and one can merely infer the reasons behind most pedophiles being anti-religious. The actual reason for the anti-religious streak in most pedophiles? They were abused, in the same way non-pedophilic children were commonly abused. Do we want to revictimize them, because that is what we are doing by gaslighting them? Or, do we want to keep them on their toes, and make them shake like a dog before the judge handing down the sentence.

Most pedophiles will be gaslit on the victim rack, not the abuser rack, and will not disclose their pedophilia to the police at all in the process (for understandable reasons). A great amount of pedophiles suffer from gaslighting trauma. Let that sink in...

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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