Monday, January 16, 2023

Understanding why pedophile acceptance is a children's rights cause

Many adults think that all pedophiles are either actively abusing a child or predestined to. This is a common belief amongst American adults. In some countries, pedophiles are already accepted to the degree that they will be. Why is it that some countries accept pedophiles more than others? It all starts with how advanced the status of children is in a given country.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is NOT a narcissist or something hidden. Most pedophilia is due to an immature form of autism, where the age-oriented sexual preferences of the pedophile correspond with arrested emotional development in the individual with autism. Most pedophiles are as immature as their child target. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children in terms of knowledge and social skills. Most pedophiles have "exist" autism, meaning they want the company of most people, but only want close friendships with children. A pedophile is an immature parent, meaning a parent that does not want to grow up. When you see an adult with autism relating to a child on their level, and just "getting it", think pedophile. Most adults with autism find children and their immaturity to be annoying. A pro-social pedophile will set limits in a gentle and attached manner, whereas an antisocial pedophile will not set limits at all. Antisocial pedophiles usually sexually abuse children because they don't know how to "bond" with them any other way.

Where does the prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles come from? Pedophile hysteria is a form of religious child abuse, meaning the mental health self-stigma surrounding pedophiles and pedophilia comes from religious child abuse of pedophilic children by abusive religious parents. There is a valid use of Christian sexual purity values, and parents are misusing them, particularly when one of their children is perceived as a pedophile. One verse commonly used against pedophiles is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman in order to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even mere sexual desire towards children. This word refers to sexual entitlement, which is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. However, pedophile hysteria has this verse interpreted that even looking at a child as a pedophile is wrong if your intent is motivated by sexual desire. Looking is only exploitation of a child if it leads to leering, meaning your gaze is intense enough to offend or procure a child victim of sexual assault. Simply checking out children is something most adult men in particular do, whether they want to admit it or not, especially with teenage girls. 

The prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles does not come from children's rights. It comes from a set of deeply and lowly engrained religious sexual taboos that have no basis in the proper, contextual understanding of the Bible. Pedophile hysteria is an admit form of mental health stigma, where pedophiles feel pressured by faux-Christian mores not to disclose their mental health label, meaning not even to a mental health professional. This is because of the old adage that "whoever says the word 'pedophile' first in an exchange is the pedophile". Facist dictators such as Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler were among the first of world leaders to popularize pedophile hatred. 

How does pedophile acceptance happen? Right alongside child acceptance. Non-pedophilic adults naturally treat pedophiles the same way they would treat children, naturally. To further hit home this message, most sexual abusers of children are staunchly anti-pedophile, and are so to project their crimes onto an easy victim. Think of the prejudicial hatred against pedophiles to be a reflection of how society hates children. There can be a day when pedophiles can be taken seriously, but they will only be taken seriously in a nurturing way, like a pro-children's rights adult takes a child's opinions and worldview seriously.

In the United States, it looks like pedophile acceptance will come first, and will condition society to support children's rights. The Virtuous Pedophiles forum was founded in 2012, and the organization runs a support group for pedophiles of all shades. Most adults who support non-offending pedophiles are also pro-children's rights, and this includes core trauma survivors in the children's rights movement. It is support on the side for pedophiles, meaning if you tap into any random person with liberal/progressive politics who are pro-child in nature, you likely will find they know at least something about non-offending pedophiles. Most supporters of non-offending pedophiles are anti-spanking. It seems pedophiles will be accepted first, and then children will follow suit in being accepted. 

More and more parents of pedophilic children are becoming attachment parents. Usually, these parents started out as authoritative parents, but the more they tried to keep down the pedophile, the more the pedophilic child fought back, and it was an endless cycle that led nowhere. So, they just gave up and became attachment parents. This is because the presence of a pedophilic child in the household brings parents to their knees, to where they have no choice but to be attachment parents. This is because pedophilic trauma is an active trauma, even with lawful corporal punishment, meaning they are aware of their trauma at every level. Pedophiles never blame themselves for trauma from abusive parents, with pedophilic trauma coming in the form of a traumatic grudge against their abuser. 

However, a lot of parents still don't listen to their children, and sexually abuse their pedophilic children in the form of sexual shaming abuse. This occurs mainly in more religious homes. A pedophilic child didn't get their sexual needs at a vital time in their childhood, and this leads to them becoming very angry at their parents, parents in general, and the society that propped up those parents. I myself have that kind of trauma, but instead from lawful punitive parenting - I am angry at society, but can say it calmly. Society let me down and persecuted me, just because I was a child. Most pedophilic children are victims of sexual shaming abuse, just because they are pedophiles.

I am a purity Christian, meaning I value preserving Christian marriage, and only allowing sexual relations within a marriage between one man and one woman, as those are our founding values as a nation. But, the word "pedophile" is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. In the biblical context, abstinent pedophiles were accepted into the Early Church, under condition that they masturbate to sexual thoughts of children instead of act on it with children. But, if you don't want to hear pedophiles talking lewdly in public about a child, those pedophiles should go to prison for open lewdness. Sexuality was never meant by God to be boasted or bragged about, but instead is a private and solemn concept. You won't find me supporting legalizing sex with children, but I do care about pedophiles alongside children.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sex offenders who blame pedophiles for their own abuse towards children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descent into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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