Monday, November 14, 2022

Pro-social fantasy: How to handle child crushes

Many adults think that only pedophiles are culpable for the sexual abuse epidemic plaguing this country, and that the only solution to our "pedophile problem" is to "shoot them". Most people don't realize the fact that most hard-on rapes and sexual assaults against children are committed by non-pedophiles, namely opportunistic offenders who get a once-in-a-lifetime crush on a child, and don't know what to do with it.

The fact of the matter is that ALL adults are culpable for the child sexual abuse epidemic. Every single adult is capable of sexually abusing a child under the right/wrong conditions. Those conditions are different for every person, but we all have the chance of getting into a situation where we could sexually abuse a child, and all of us as adults need to own up to that fact.

Most child sexual abuse comes from a romantic/sexual crush on a child. In most adults, that crush is repressed. In a genuinely pedophilic adult, that kind of abusive crush would stick out like a weed, and be out in the open. Most sexual abuse in the United States comes from repressed child crushes imposed on a child, with the crush coming out sideways onto the child when the adult is alone with the child. It can only happen at the right/wrong time, under a sexually starved mindset on the part of the adult. Most abusers are adult men, but many women with trauma from an adult man might find young boys to be less threatening, thus seek them out.

The Greek root word denoting lust in the New Testament is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, including sexual desire for a child. Instead, the word refers to sexual want, to the point of taking the first steps to approach a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons. It is okay to look the look, and think the think. It is not okay to approach the approach, or do the deed. If you have a crush on a child that you want gone, follow the thought to the end using solo masturbation, and spend the sexual crush away. Allow yourself to have sexual thoughts of children, and then they should go away quickly, unless you are a pedophile yourself, in which case it is okay to have such sexual thoughts, even in the realm of the Bible. Refusing to fantasize about a child is repressing such a fantasy, and repressing a fantasy like that allows it to control you, whereas you should control the time and temperature of the fantasy.

I myself have had child crushes that have led to abuse. I myself am a depraved and decadent adult who is deserving of absolutely nothing from a child, not even respect, not even forgiveness. Having a crush on a child, for an actual pedophile, is something that sticks out like a weed, but everyone ignores it because you are also visibly autistic. It is a psychotic and delusional hope that you can actually go somewhere with an attraction to a child, and it usually was triggered by friendly interaction with a child - and then I wanted more. I thought I could just be invited to her house one of these days, and have a sleepover, even though I was 16 and she was 9. It was an autistic fixation about a specific person, namely a child. I had to accept that such wasn't going to happen, and that involved anti-entitlement strategies. I do not speak to children, and shun myself from their presence, meaning pro-social formal/informal. I am on formal terms with all children, wherever they may be, until a child breaks the ice to the degree they want to.

An opportunistic offender, meaning most of the sex offenders that defile themselves next to children, feel these intense, heart-throbbing feelings, but at a lower, more repressed level, where they are nauseous about what they are doing, yet do it anyway due to a sexual addiction to the child. They first get a child crush, meaning a sexual attraction to a child that they are aware of yet don't want to be aware of. They stuff the attraction, and then keep stuffing it, until it comes out sideways onto the child, in the right moment where the sex offender is left alone with the child.

Sexual fantasy for a child encapsulates the sex drive towards the child. All adults have some sexual attraction to children, usually secondary, and usually to pubescent children. 20% of men are attracted to prepubescent children on the secondary level. 1-2% of men are primarily or exclusively attracted to children, meaning true pedophiles. Most true pedophiles who become sex offenders has social skills deficits where they do not understand the harm they are inflicting onto children, and usually, such offenders are the least motivated to change. I myself am a mentally disabled sex offender, and I am one of the rare ones that chose to change, and it took a complete change in my worldview to even make a difference in my behavior towards children. An opportunistic offender is much easier to treat, due to the fact that they are basically an ordinary adult who made a big mistake. Even then, if child crushes are dealt with through pro-social fantasy, meaning solo masturbation to mental images of the child target. 

If all adults dealt with their child crushes with pro-social fantasy, there would be no child sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse cannot be predicted by predestined fate. Abusing a child in any way, including through sexual abuse, is a choice an adult makes. It is certain that most sexual abuse of children is not from pedophilia, but due to a sexual addiction to the child. But, sex addictions are caused by neglect of sexual needs, and thus the adult must be personally responsible and masturbate to their child crushes. As soon as they become aware that they are attracted to a child, follow the thought to the end through solo masturbation.

Most fathers have repressed sexual attraction to the child of the opposite sex, sometimes the child of the same sex, sometimes both. Masturbation to thoughts of sex with your child as a father not only purges yourself of the sexual entitlement that might land on them, but also improves your relationship with your child. Most American fathers are distant and uninvolved with their children, and the problem is that they are avoiding a sexual attraction that they should be embracing through masturbatory fantasy. In the Early Church, fathers masturbated to thoughts of their children, and that led to fathers nurturing their children from afar, usually later in childhood by way of encouraging bold feats of independence, and otherwise being an encouraging figure in general. The natural role of fathers is to topple over with the immature games of children, and be as immature as they are, parenting on their level and being encouraging on their level. Mothers are the more mature ones in the natural realm of things, in a selfless way that provides nourishment and sustenance.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sex offenders who sexually prey on children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever BURN in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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