Saturday, August 6, 2022

Religious child abuse against pedophilic children: Why we should care

Many people hate pedophiles. There is a common abuser hatred of pedophiles among Americans. Most people in the United States still hate pedophiles, though support for the pro-pedophile cause has been increasing in recent years. Children's rights survivors are the people that have been most supportive to pedophiles.

Many people in the United States side with sex offenders, thinking they are defending pedophiles. Most people who are concerned about the issue of pedophile rights - which is a lot of people - do not know that the pedophiles most impacted by the stigma are children. The core of pedophile hatred is a group of abusive religious parents who sexually shame their children, then blaming them for the sexual abuse they incurred onto them. 

Certain Bible verses were used by the spiritually abusive parents of pedophiles to oppress pedophilic children. The main verse that is used against pedophilic children is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual desire to the point of taking the first steps to approach a child for sexual purposes. Merely being attracted to children, or even fantasizing about them sexually, is not the moral crime of lust. Lust means that you are sexually fixated on a person other than one's spouse to the point of approach. Nonetheless, abusive parents of pedophilic children continue to persecute and oppress their children with epithets that they are sinners merely for thinking about children for sexual reason. 

What is pedophilia? Most people think pedophilia is a form of narcissism. It is not. It is a form of autism where empathy is centered around children, with their sex drive corresponding with their specialized empathy towards children. Most pedophiles can relate to children better than adults, and pedophilic children usually are older teens who can relate better to much younger children than same-age peers or adults. Autism is basically a specialized brain, and when that specialty is in children and children's issues, that is the average profile of a pedophile. Usually, they are the shy, sensitive child, and most adult pedophiles are highly sensitive people (HSPs).

The average abuser pedophile is basically young and dumb, meaning they don't know the boundaries around children, and commit acts of sexual harassment, usually in the form of loitering around children in a way that is alarming or offensive to children. Pedophilic abusers usually appear on the level of the children they abuse, and usually, adults look the other way due to them appearing mentally disabled. Most full on rapes and sexual assaults against children are committed by non-pedophilic adults, usually as a form of adult sexual entitlement, usually with themes of power and control. Most sexual abuse is not due to pedophilia, but due to the same sort of entitlement that drives the rape of adults. 

Most pedophilic children are more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than perpetrators, usually in the form of corrective rape or sexual assault. What is worse? A pedophile never forgets the abuse their parents incurred upon them, meaning they have perfect memory of their trauma, no matter how severe, and are filled with anger at their abusive parents, usually with this anger being anti-religious in nature. Pedophilic autism is a dark form of autism in terms of traumatic expression, meaning most pedophiles test as angry victims. They are the type of individual with autism to be angry at the world, with that anger appearing to center around children. Most were punished for sexually fantasizing about children, many times by way of being raped and sexually assaulted for engaging in such fantasies. They were often read the Bible in an abusive manner, with the Bible being misquoted.

I myself have been lucky. My parents were both understanding of my pedophilia. How were they understanding? They didn't comment or judge. They simply listened, admitting ignorance over the issue. I also have a therapist who is open to learning about her clients in the realm of pedophilia. I was an abuser pedophile, meaning everywhere I went, I was able to put people in denial of my problem, including my abuse problem. The children's rights community did believe me, at every level, and they told me about their trauma, and I was scared straight - straight to being angry about something I should have been angry about a long time ago. Being informed on the harm of my actions or potential actions was the most beneficial part of my recovery. Most pedophiles don't need what I need, and instead need to be reassured that their desires are normal. I see pedophilia as a mental illness, but am one to see that mental illness and mental health struggles are normal. I myself wasn't angry about sexual abuse. Now, I am angry, but only at the lowest level. I wasn't always this angry about the issue. I had to see the harm firsthand in the group Ethical Treatment of Children (ETC). I need to be reminded of what I am, otherwise I might forget. At least I have a good mother to talk to about these issues, and I can tell her anything.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators who abuse pedophilic children sexually, then blame them for their own abuse, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in a Hell-fire of torrents! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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