Monday, August 22, 2022

Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children - how to prevent child sexual abuse

Many people think the act of child sexual abuse is an inevitable act coming from a specific group of people - pedophiles. Most adults in America blame pedophiles for the sexual abuse of children. The fact of the matter is that pedophiles aren't the only adults responsible for the sexual abuse of children. ALL adults are responsible for the sexual abuse of children, even if only a few act on it.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is NOT a narcissistic desire for children. It is an inborn and inherited sexual trait genetically related to autism, and is a mental disorder featuring sexual attraction to children under age 14. Pedophilia is a form of arrested sexual development associated closely with autism and other developmental disorders. Pedophilia is evidenced outwardly by an autistic profile that specializes in children and children's issues. Most people are generalizers in terms of mind specialty. Autism is a specialized mind, where they pick an area of life, and learn facts in detail about it. Pedophiles do this regarding children. Most pedophiles know enough about children to know that a sexual relationship with a child - which they want - is unworkable and can't happen. It is an unrequited attraction to children at the connotational level, where the child is colored to stand out sexually.

Every single adult has the capacity, under the right/wrong conditions, to sexually abuse children. Most adults are attracted to teenage and pre-teen children. Most men in particular are attracted to teenage girls. Usually, this is a repressed attraction that isn't acknowledged by the adult. It is a secondary attraction to children, percolating in the background of the adult's brain. Then, when the adult is in a place where they are alone with a child, they grow a guilty conscience, and the repressed attraction to children comes out sideways as a rape or sexual assault. This can happen in the case of any adult in relation to a child.

How can sexual abuse be prevented? The first step is to acknowledge that you, too, can be attracted to children. Find a child that is worth masturbating about, then engage in sexual fantasy about that child. That will let you know one fact - you could do it too. So, keep masturbating so that your desires for children are encapsulated, and thus are under your complete control. When you repress a thought, that thought controls you. When you acknowledge a thought as powerful as a sexual drive towards children, you control it, and then you can easily choose not to abuse a child sexually. If every single adult in the world did this, there would be no sexual abuse at all.

The Greek root word translated "lust" and "inordinate affections" in the New Testament is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire for children, but sexual desire for children to the point of taking the first steps to approach a child for sexual purposes. Whenever that approach is perceived by a child, that is adult fornication of children, meaning child sexual abuse. There is nothing wrong with masturbation, however. Masturbation is nowhere legitimately mentioned in the Bible, with Onan's sin being refusing to inherit his brother's wife. In the biblical context, simply masturbating was not seen as a form of sexual offense. Sexual offenses involved any sexual relations outside of marriage.

It is time for YOU as the adult to take responsibility for your sexual desires towards children, just like pedophiles have already. Rape is rape, and sexual assault is sexual assault - regardless of age. Adult fornicators who sexually assault and rape children are solely responsible for the damage they impose on their victims. Nobody is responsible simply for letting it happen, or not stopping a sexually entitled adult from raping or sexually assaulting a child. Adults shouldn't sexually abuse children, period, and can simply make the choice not to sexually abuse a child. Child sexual abuse is not an urge or a tendency - it is a choice that the adult makes.

Sexual attraction to children is a sin nature that we all have in relation to children as adults. Sexual attraction to children, in adults, is a part of our depraved and decadent nature as adults. God hates that nature of ours, and hates it for that very reason. During peacekeeping, children were sexually oppressed by adults all over the world, in a widespread regime of sexual assault and rape. God rescued us from our peacekeeping past, and gave us a set of values to live under. I as a depraved and decadent, and pedophile, in relation to children, am deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing as the sexually self-interested adult that I am. I am grateful that my child victims forgive me. I myself sexually abused children by way of sexually pestering and harassing them like a gnat. Vulnerability abusers with autism like me simply don't know the boundaries. My apparent vulnerability as a visibly autistic young adult got me out of trouble many times, with parents taking the side of me over their own child. Children complained, but were silenced. I had to learn to get angry at child sexual abuse, which I wasn't angry about at the time of me committing moral crimes against children. I am responsible for my sexual offenses perceived by the child, and apologize to all for abusing them. Most sexual abuse does not go the way I perpetrated my abuse. Most sexual abuse of children comes from repressed sexual desires that are otherwise normal secondary attractions to children. Normal does not mean it is good, morally speaking. It will feel good to control your sexual attraction to children, but that doesn't make that faculty of ours good by nature. The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging that you have a problem, and sexual attraction to children is a problem all adults have, at some level of their psyche.

Let the depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators who sexually abuse children BURN in the everlasting Hell of fire and torrents! Repent!


Association for Sexual Abuse Prevention (ASAP)

Virtuous Pedophiles

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