Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Individual responsibility for adult attraction to children

Many adults believe that only pedophiles are to blame for the child abuse epidemic. The belief among broader society is that pedophiles are to blame for all child sexual abuse, and thus pedophiles should all "be put down". The fact of the matter is that all adults are to blame for the epidemic of child sexual abuse cases, even if only a few are the ones doing it. Most sexual abuse of children is about power and control, usually coming in the form of punishment as a guise for repressive sexual entitlement. 

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is a mental health disorder involving sexual attraction to children under age 14. Pedophilia is a form of arrested sexual development, with the pedophile's age-oriented sexual development arrested in time. Pedophiles who offend against children either repress their sexuality entirely, or else do not know the boundaries that exist around children. Most pedophiles have a sexual preference for children, and do not repress that sexual preference one bit. Pedophiles remember trauma, and remember being punished and abused by their abusive parents. They are the type of individual with autism not to get along with their parents in most cases, and to hold a traumatic grudge over their parents. Pedophilia falls within a specific psychological profile, namely a form of autism where the special interests center on children, child care, and children's rights, as core interests that take a lifelong track. Most pedophiles have a form of autism that is child-centered in nature, meaning children are their passion, and their empathy is specialized in understanding children. Most pedophiles are victims of child abuse, meaning they were punished and shamed for having the sexual attractions that they had.

Most child sexual abuse does not occur due to pedophilia, but due to sexual entitlement on the part of adults, unrelated to a mental health diagnosis of pedophilia. Usually, the victim is a pubescent child, not a prepubescent child. Usually, the adult is repressing their sexual attraction to children, which all adults are capable of having for children. What happens is that the adult is left alone with a child that they are attracted to. The adult then deals with the attraction the wrong way by denying that they are attracted to the child. This represses the attraction until it comes out sideways and hits the child, out of nowhere. Usually, the abuser masks it as a way to either punish the child or else "keep them safe", meaning most sexual abuse, to the abuser, and to the victim, has more to do with power and control than mere sexual attraction. Most child sexual abuse comes from the same sexually entitled place as other forms of rape or sexual assault, meaning any adult is capable of committing child sexual abuse, under the right/wrong conditions. Individual responsibility involves avoiding those conditions.

What can adults do to be responsible and avoid adult sexual entitlement? Adults attracted to a child should allow themselves to have sexual thoughts about that child, and not try to push those thoughts out of their mind. When you repress any thought, you allow that thought to control you. The idea is to not let sexual attraction to children control you as an adult, but instead allow yourself to feel that attraction, while knowing that it is wrong to act on. Usually, adults encounter sexual thoughts about children while masturbating, and so the idea is to allow those fantasies to pass through, and then move on to the next fantasy. Also, not being alone with a child is a good way to avoid sexual assault and rape of children.

The Greek root word translated "lust" and "inordinate affections" in the New Testament is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and does not refer to ordinary sexual desire, but instead to sexual desire to the point of approaching a child. As long as you avoid approaching children sexually, at minimum, you have not sunned. If you walk towards a child, but then stop yourself, you have not sinned. Sexual fantasy and masturbation about children is not sin. 

Most sexual abuse is committed in sexually repressive environments. When children come to mind as an attraction figure, acknowledge that the thought is there, find an outlet for it in masturbation, and then the thought will be gone. There is no reason why adults have to have sex with a child anywhere, when they can just have sexual fantasies about it. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators of children who blame pedophiles will not inherit the Kingdom of God! They will burn in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
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