Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Why we need more mental health services for pedophiles

Many people hate pedophiles. A majority of people in the United States hate people with the disorder. It is a common hatred, linked to the hatred for children. But, most people who hate pedophiles don't know what. or rather who, a pedophile is.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is commonly defined by mental health professionals in the DSM-5 as "intense, recurrent sexual fantasies, urges, OR behaviors regarding sexual activity with a child" under age 14. "Intense, recurrent" is interpreted by mental health professionals as denoting a sexual orientation that is pathological in nature due to the unrequited nature of it. Pedophilic disorder is a diagnosis for when this sexual preference interferes with the quality of life of the sufferer or others, or leads to the sexual abuse of a child. 

Where are the pedophiles? Think autism. Think autism that is child-centered. When someone with autism has their empathy and social skills specialized around children, think pedophile. A pedophile has a specific form of autism where they just "get" children, and have high sensitivity that just "sees into" children, being able to tell their needs right there and then. They just may be more introverted and aloof around same-age peers and/or adults. 

Pedophiles need therapy that is person-centered in nature, meaning a therapy program where the therapist listens and validates their every emotions, and the pedophile just vents and confides into the therapist. A therapist, for a pedophile, should be a close confidant that is there to listen. They don't need an expert, as nobody can know what it is like to be a pedophile except the pedophile him/herself. Pedophiles just need someone to talk to, so they can sort out their issues on their own.

I myself saw a parenting coach for my pedophilia, and recommend parenting coaching for any pedophile who feels that they need a mental health professional. I was guided in the right direction by having cognitive distortions of mine confronted, namely wanting to sleep over at a (then) 9-year-old girl's house. I was on my way into her life, like a zig-zag. Therapy simply sent me on a course where I would find humility as a pedophile, instead of pride and obsession. I was very obsessive and fixated, in a "just for you" sense, being fixated on individual young girls, like train cars. Eventually, I learned through hard experience that approaching children in order to flirt with them is inappropriate and immoral. I eventually allowed the Holy Spirit into me, and became a Christian, of the sexual purity kind. I now know that any sexual activity outside of a marriage with an ADULT woman - age 18 and up - is a defiled act of fornication and sexual impurity, and is to be shunned even within myself, as any sexual impurity makes the body unclean and unholy, defiling myself next to the child I want to have sex with. Fornication is ultimately a crime against myself and my own body, making me unclean until the even. I was a sexual abuser of children, and made all of them feel uncomfortable or unsafe at some point, which is the very definition of child sexual abuse, or all child abuse in general.

Most people misunderstand where child sexual abuse comes from. It does not come from pedophiles, but from sexually entitled adults who rape and sexually assault children as a means of oppressing them and keeping them down. It is part of the dynamic of adult oppression of children, as well as parental entitlement. Any adult is capable of choosing to sexually abuse a child under the right/wrong conditions. That doesn't mean every adult will. But, any adult can get into a situation where they are tempted to commit child sexual abuse. Adults should work to become aware of where they would choose to sexually violate a child, and reel back. Pedophiles have no choice but to be aware of their risk, and naturally know how to reel back. Mental health services should exist for those who need help with an unwanted attraction to a child. The key to dealing with that entitlement is to accept it, and allow yourself to have sexual thoughts about children, and then, you have total control over those thoughts. When you repress anything, it controls you and your choices. Take back control and responsibility over your sexual choices towards children!

The hatred and hysteria towards pedophiles ultimately does not come from trauma survivors. Ultimately, the hatred of pedophiles comes from abusive religious parents who sexually shame their children, and single out their pedophilic children for corrective abuse. Usually, the concept of Christian sexual purity is misused to oppress and abuse a pedophilic child so that they have to deconstruct completely. Most pedophiles are ardent atheists and staunchly anti-religious, meaning the ones I have met at the Virtuous Pedophiles forum. Ultimately, it is these sexual abusers of children who are deflecting onto their own victims, with their pedophilic nature and label making them an easy target.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sexual abusers who abuse and blame pedophiles will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them BURN in everlasting torrents of Hell-fire, forever and ever! Repent!

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