Monday, June 20, 2022

Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Many adults think that pedophiles are at fault for all child sexual abuse committed against children. This is a common lapse of judgment on the part of adults. The attitude among many adults is that the threat is over there, so keep it over there, and don't ever even imagine it coming "over here". But, the fact of the matter is that all adults have the capacity to sexually abuse a child, under the right/wrong conditions. Sexual abuse prevention should be seeking to discern what those conditions are for the individual adult, then seeking to avoid those conditions.

Pedophilia is a mental health disorder featuring primary or exclusive sexual attraction to children under age 14. Pedophilia is a genetic disorder closely associated with autism, with the disorder being a form of arrested sexual development associated with the emotional immaturity associated with autism. 3 out of 4 pedophiles choose not to sexually abuse children, with the majority of pedophiles supporting youth rights, according to researchers at the Canadian Centres for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Sexual Behaviors Unit.

Most sexual abuse is not committed by pedophiles. Most child sexual abuse is a choice made by sexually entitled adults who jump on the opportunity to rape or sexually assault a child. How does this occur? Location, location, location. An adult chooses to be alone with a child that they find attractive, usually a teenager, and they are unprepared for the situation. So, they feel an antisocial guilty conscience, and then make the choice at some point to sexually abuse the child. The abuser then imprints on the location, and all future sexual assaults and rapes occur at that location.

Adult sexual entitlement comes in two forms, adult sexual repression and adult sexual embrace. The most common in the United States is adult sexual repression. Adult sexual repression is when an adult refuses to entertain natural sexual thoughts about children, meaning pushing them out or not acknowledging them. When you repress something like a sex drive for children, it comes out sideways. In this case, it usually comes out sideways when the sexually entitled adult is alone with a child, in which case it usually comes out as a sudden ambush against the child.

The key to avoiding adult sexual entitlement is good mental health in the sexual realm. Allow yourself as an adult to have sexual thoughts about children, and not push such thoughts. Also, avoid being alone with any child, and with that, especially today, there is no excuse why any adult can't refuse to be alone with a child. 97% of cases of child sexual abuse happen when a child is left unattended with an adult. All adults are capable of sexually abusing a child under the right/wrong conditions, but becoming a sexual abuser of children is not predestined fate - adults can choose not to abuse a child sexually.

We as a society should not frown upon sexual fantasies about children, as allowing yourself to have them re-channels the sex drive away from sexually abusing children. Some people actually consider sexual fantasy about children to be abuse in and of itself. The objective biblical definition of child abuse involves the child's perception of sexual entitlement in adults, which is gauged by how they approach children. All adults have the capacity to sexually fantasize about children, and the more they do, the more they are prepared for when they are left with an attractive child. This especially applies to men in relation to teenage girls, but also women in relation to teenage boys to a lesser degree.

The Greek root word translated "lust" in the New Testament of the Bible is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not merely to sexual desire - about children in this case - but to sexual desire to the point of taking the first steps to approach a child sexually. Those first steps are rationalizing that child sexual abuse is okay, when sex with children will never be okay and will never be legalized, and if it is ever legalized, it will be an injustice against children. But, merely having sexual thoughts about a child is acceptable, and adults should allow themselves to have such thoughts. It is normal for adults to have thoughts about pubescent children in particular. Pedophilia is when sexual thoughts about children under age 14 become preferential, either on a primary or exclusive basis, and pedophilia itself is a mental disorder due to where it is pointed.

My adult footprint involves sexual abuse towards children. My career as an abuser of children started when I was technically legally a child, but was the adult in relation to my victims. I was one to loiter around young girls, follow them around, and leer at them, usually in a public place. This was around the first time I discovered that I was a pedophile, and I took pride in my diagnosis, wearing the label on my sleeve. I was what is known as an obvious abuser, and usually, the obvious abusers are the most protected, and least noticed. I would use my appearance as an autistic victim to victimize myself, and believe me, appearing autistic makes you more the victim in most adults' eyes than the child. I hate that fact about our society, and think the concerns of my child victims should have been listened to, instead of me protected. I became acclimated to one location - a swimming area in my home city of Reading, Pennsylvania. In order to turn myself around, I had to fight against the tendency to approach young girls in that location, and did so with my Christian belief in Hell, and imagining me being punished with Hell for speaking to young girls inappropriately. I am only allowed to speak to children, by conviction, if they speak to me, and even then, only as necessary, unless they invite me to "break the ice" and engage in casual conversation.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who fornicate towards and sexually abuse a child, and blame pedophiles, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them BURN in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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