Friday, June 3, 2022

How to parent a pedophilic child

Many people associate pedophiles with child abuse and entitlement imposed upon children, and most of America blames pedophiles as the sole driving cause of child abuse, especially child sexual abuse. However, the scientific evidence is clear that pedophiles are not the sole cause of child abuse, nor are they the primary cause even. Child sexual abuse is caused by sexually entitled adult who repress their sexual drives towards children, which all adults have at some level. Most pedophiles are victims of crime and abuse, or else are highly vulnerable to such.

Pedophilia is a mental health disorder involving primary sexual attraction to children under age 14. Usually, it is not a narcissist who has the condition, but with instead the disorder presenting itself in a child with autism, with the sexual desires being an expression of the child's emotional immaturity. Pedophilia is basically arrested sexual development associated with autistic immaturity, and on a larger scale, autistic traits. Most children with autism are not pedophiles, but most pedophiles have autism to some degree. Usually, it is a special type of autism where they prefer the company of children, and can "see in" to a child in an understanding way. I myself have the disorder. I only want children as friends. Adults are boring, meaning I am less likely to want another adult to be my friend. The disorder usually presents itself as eccentric, in a child-centered way.

One thing a pedophile parent, or a parent with a pedophilic child, needs to unlearn is that sexual fantasy about children is sin. There are two reasons that an adult fantasizes about children - to plan or to discharge. If you are masturbating to sexual fantasies of children, and you are actively planning to sexually abuse a child, stop what you are doing and don't do it again. A child only masturbates for one reason - to discharge, meaning to relieve themselves of an urge that could well have landed on a much younger child if the pedophilic child wasn't careful. And, shouldn't we pat these children on the back for showing self-control?

It says in Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery. But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to mere desire, but to a form of adult sexual entitlement in the context of pedophilia. This word refers to desire to the point of taking the first steps to approach a child sexually. Unless your child is approaching much younger children, they are not sexually entitled. But, if they are, they are to be held to the same standard as an adult, as there is no equality in such a relationship. They may have to answer for that form of sexual harassment at a later date. 

The idea is to keep your child away from much younger children, explaining to them that the age difference is inappropriate, and then offering masturbating to sexual fantasy about children instead. Instead of approaching and walking up to a child sexually, they can look but not approach, and sexually fantasize about the child instead.

What pedophilic children need most is listening. Allow them to talk about their crushes with you. Yes, they aren't wanting to prey on much younger children. They simply have a crush, and they need a listening ear to vent to. What will probably happen is that they eventually, as they get older, will find a way to keep their own counsel. This listening ear should assume nothing about pedophilia, and should be open to learning about the condition from a child with the condition.

There are two types of disclosure - tone-deaf and tearful. A tone-deaf disclosure is the more worrisome disclosure, because that means they will then start sexually harassing much younger children, which is a form of child sexual abuse. Usually, they disclose when they are crying, and only when they think their tears will be met with understanding. Children with this disorder almost never "go off like a bomb". 

Pedophiles tend to hide from parents, and disclose to other adults their own age, because most parents would punish them for it. Most pedophilic children are victims of religious child abuse, even in more moderate or even progressive denominations. Most Christian denominations offer entitled help to pedophiles, walking all over their sexual fantasies, and then spitting them out. This form of religious abuse starts in childhood, with parents who punish children for their sexual thoughts. Usually, these parents are the ones sexually abusing children, not their pedophilic children.

I myself disclosed first to my mother at age 16, and she, at first, was in denial that I was a pedophile, as was my therapist when I disclosed to her - she did not want to attach that label to me until she knew full well that it was permanent in nature. They thought it was a phase that I would grow out of. It wasn't, but they accepted me, since I was choosing not to abuse children. Back then, I was a correctable abuser of children, meaning children would correct me on my abuse of them, and I would heed correction from children. But, since there was offense from adult sexual entitlemet, there was some abuse in the situation, and I was responsible. Having people to talk to helped me out of that cycle of sexually harassing and abusing children, meaning I now have a community that supports me in not abusing children, and I am grateful (yes, a pedophile can be grateful for these things).

The adult fornicators of children who sexually abuse children and then blame their pedophilic children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in everlasting Hell-fire and torrents! Repent! 


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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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