Saturday, April 23, 2022

Pedophilia awareness: Why everyone is a risk to children

Many parents think only pedophiles are at risk of sexually abusing children. This is a common mistake many parents make with their children, dismissing the idea, usually in a defensive way, that they would ever hurt a child sexually.

Pedophilia is a mental health disorder characterized by primary sexual attraction to children under age 14. 3 out of 4 pedophiles do not sexually abuse children. 1 out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthdays. The abuse cannot all come from pedophiles. Most sexual abuse, meaning 90% of known cases, does not come from a pedophile, but instead comes from a non-pedophilic adult who acclimated themselves to a specific venue before sexually assaulting or raping their victims.

Every single adult is guilty in relation to children, for every single adult is capable of the worst of abuse under the right/wrong conditions, and this includes sexual abuse. It is just that some adults are more of a risk than others. Most men are at risk for sexually abusing girls who are entering puberty or are teenagers.

I myself abused a child sexually by way of antisocial "flirt". I flirted with young girls in the form of sexual harassment, seeing the girls I flirted with as parent figures. What I did wrong was get used to the local swimming area as a place to meet young girls. I would do my signature wave, which annoyed one girl. I also walked up to a young girl and asked for a hug, and she saw right through my intentions. When the children put out a stophand, so to speak, and protected themselves from harm, I knew I was abusing them. I was a compliant abuser, meaning when my victims made it clear that I was crossing a line, I stopped. 

What happened was that I allowed myself to behave in a sexually entitled way as an adult, but only in a place where I associated the allowance with the place, behaving normally everywhere else in my life, apart from bragging about sexual crushes on young girls in a way that got to them, in a sexually slanderous way. This is what acclimation is. Usually, it is one room in the house where the abuser feels license to sexually abuse the child. At my grandparents' old house, it was the attic, where I engaged in inappropriate sexual exploration with my younger cousin.

Any adult can, by chance, get into a situation where they become acclimated sexually to a child, and then cross the ultimate boundary and sexually assault and rape the child. Former offenders describe grooming as crossing multiple boundaries, meaning one boundary, then the next, then the next, until they end up sexually abusing the child in question.

The way to prevent sexual abuse is to learn to enjoy sexual fantasies about children. A sexual predator is in habit of sexually abusing their victim. The idea to break the habit is to discharge the attraction through solo masturbation instead, so then the brain is used to discharging in private and away from the child instead of towards the child. Sexual attraction to children is normal, but can only be safely enjoyed by remote, meaning at home, in your own room, with the shades down and the door closed.

Also, DO NOT be alone with a child, no matter what. 90% of sexual abuse incidents occurred when there was no other adult around to supervise. There is always a way out of being alone with a child, that is, if you work with children. It may be harder in the case of parent attraction, but adults can manage.

Let the depraved and decadent, defile adult fornicators of children BURN in everlasting Hell-fire! Let them burn in torrents of fire and torture! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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