Monday, March 7, 2022

Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Many adults think child sexual abuse is inevitable, and so the idea with some anti-pedophile alleged "Christians" is that we need to brand and track pedophiles, deeming them subhuman. MY Christian principles call me to see all abusers as human, but in the vilified sense. Think a cape and a maniacal laugh, but in plain sight, everywhere. The fact of the matter is that in the United States, all adults abuse children, and quite a few still do sexually, even in 2022. Child sexual abuse can be cured, but we need to understand the source first.

What causes child sexual abuse? Location, location, location. The most common excuse for sexual abusers of children is "I got in the wrong place, at the wrong time". Now, why were you even there? Why were you alone with that child? Why were you drunk off your rear end with alcohol? Why were you stoned high with all those drugs? All of these are factors into a sexual offense, but location is the most important. Like rape and sexual assault against adults, raping and sexually assaulting a child takes quite a bit of acclimation to a certain location, and that location is the only place where that offense can take place for a sexual abuser of children.

I myself am a pedophile, and a former abuser of children. I myself did a lot of antisocial "flirt". I myself was acclimated to a swimming area in my home city of Reading, where I would flirt with several young girls, one at a time, meaning usually a wave with a hint of flirtation. It annoyed several of them, and spooked one of them, and when the last girl was spooked, I was convicted to leave them alone, and simply look. I myself was lucky enough to reel myself in slowly, meaning I wasn't acclimated to the point of total abandon in terms of location. This simply was annoying most of the time, but even the slightest of annoyance is an offense, and an offense is what child abuse is.

Child sexual abuse is denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to sexually entitled intent from an adult being perceived by the child, coloring the offender as defiled until the even, meaning repentance for the sexual contact AND every choice that led up to the debauchery. Adult sexual entitlement is denoted by the Greek root word επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not merely to sexual desire, but sexual desire to the point of seeking to take the first steps to sexually harass, assault, or rape a child under age 18, or otherwise the age of majority in one's jurisdiction.

What can a parent or other adult do in order to prevent child sexual abuse? DO NOT be alone with a child unsupervised by another adult. If you need to do ANYTHING concerning a child you are attracted to, do it in another room, with the door shut and the blinds down, and the curtain drawn if available. Do not utter a word about it apart from spaces designed for that purpose (ex. Virtuous Pedophiles forum). Do not want anything from a child, apart from a doting thought or daydream about a child, as that is all that is allowed, and only behind closed quarters, not in the open for all to see or hear about. Not everyone wants to hear about that problem, and those far away from your issue in your community will never fully understand, so seek support with those close to you, if possible. In my case, parents have been my closest confidants on the issue. This is not an issue I will open up with just anywhere without being questioned first, such as by a concerned parent.

Pedophilia itself is a persecuted mental illness, but that is no medical excuse for abuse. The core people hating pedophiles are also the core people abusing children, usually in the name of "God" or religion, meaning pedophile hatred is a slanderous rumor started by religious sexual abusers who police the sexual thoughts of their pedophilic children, sometimes with sexual venom. The pedophiles are the victims of sexual abuse, and should not be associated with the sexual abuse epidemic. ALL adults are culpable for their sin nature, as ALL adults are capable of sexual abuse of a child, under the right/wrong conditions, as is the case for all forms of child abuse. Pedophiles may be more likely than others, but to the point that they know that, and manage it just like any other mental illness, with no audience to applaud them to far often than not.

Let the depraved and entitled adult fornicators of children who slander pedophiles BURN in everlasting Hell-fire! Repent! It is the adults of the world that are collectively guilty as individuals for the abuse of children, not pedophiles.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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