Saturday, March 12, 2022

How to profile adult fornicators of children (my pedophile profiling strategy)

Many people want answers as to how to profile pedophiles. It is a myth that all pedophiles are abusers of children. Most pedophiles, namely 3 out of 4, have never touched a child for sexual reasons. I, as an advocate for children, use medical profiling for pedophiles, and recommend it to other child advocates within the children's rights complex.

Pedophilia, in the DSM-5, is "recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors" surrounding a child or children under age 14. The core understanding of my profiling system is that no pedophile who abuses a child would ever admit to being a pedophile, or else would admit it as a side excuse (ex. "what do you expect of a pedophile like me?")

What would I do if I met a child molester? I would, for sure, admit to being a pedophile, in an inclusive way, saying cheerfully "I am a pedophile, and I can tell you are one too" then watch the hurricane be unleashed upon the interrogation room (or wherever I am at). Pro-social pedophile admission, pro-social punitive empathy. A non-offending pedophile will not explode, but will run away and cry in a secluded area, maybe locking themselves in a bathroom at the most.

The medical standard of a criminal is someone with untreated mental illness who refuses to identify by a diagnostic label. In order to treat mental illness such as pedophilia properly, you need to identify by it as a diagnosis or self-diagnosis.

Abusers in pedophiles are either the really big men, or the small men who don't understand how to appropriately interact with a child, and so they sexually interact with a child. These individuals will be honest about everything you ask them, but only when you ask them. This is a separate class of offenders emerging who will identify as a pedophile. Usually, these abusers are not child rapists or sexual assailants, but may engage in sexual harassment or stalking behavior, such as following children around in a public place or flirtatiously waving to them. I was that type of abuser, but in a correctable way, as I allowed children to issue lawful and binding orders to protect themselves from abuse. 

Ultimately, I judge pedophiles by the arms-length statement "innocent until proven guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt", meaning if the pedophile gives me any doubt that they are an abuser, I have to go on that until I have no doubt in my heart and mind that they are not a genuine pedophile, but a child molester. Abusers are either too repressed, or too sex-positive about their sexual outlook, and need to learn the boundaries around children. The lesser abuser is a lesser threat, and will identify as a pedophile readily, perhaps too much, parading the label around their hometown. This type of abuser is rare in the United States, but more common in Canada and Europe. 

I myself am an abuser pedophile, and not a virtuous one. I shame myself as an abusive adult towards children so the virtuous pedophiles of the world don't have to. I myself engaged in a course of conduct that led to abuse when a young girl felt threatened after I propositioned her with a hug, which offended her senses and thus was abuse, as was the time I asked her for her phone number. Most abusers are secretive, and some stick out like a weed, not understanding that their behavior could be seen as a form of abuse, admitting pedophilia everywhere they go, then seeking to befriend children in a pushy way. My Christian faith requires me to be honest about my flaws as a depraved and entitled adult in relation to children, knowing how evil and wicked my nature is. My whole being is undeserving of existence in relation to children, yet children allow me to exist, and so I am grateful.

Let the adult fornicators of children BURN in everlasting Hell-fire! Repent!

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