Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Fantasy rights: Understanding the religious child abuse against pedophiles

Many parents and adults think pedophiles are the main perpetrators of abuse out there. This is a common misunderstanding of our child abuse epidemic in this country. Who is orchestrating it? All adults. A pedophile, meaning an individual with the mental health condition, is usually the victim of abuse. A pedophile is the victim of all victims of religious child abuse, namely as children.

According to polls on the Virtuous Pedophiles website, most pedophiles are actually atheists, with a few agnostics here and there. Why is this? Religious child abuse. It is just that the variables of experiencing religious child abuse, while being a pedophile, make this form of abuse to be especially serious and expedient in nature.

The core of the oppression of pedophiles can be understood by the widespread misunderstanding of the true meaning of Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman in order to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to sexual fantasy, but to seeking to take the first steps to committing a sex crime against a child. Church elders and deacons recommended sexual fantasy as an alternative to fornication, including for pedophilia, in the Early Church. However, many parents still punish their children for masturbation based on verses like this in the Bible. 

The hysteria against pedophiles comes from spiritually abusive parents who single out their pedophilic children and punish their children for their perceived pedophilic fantasies. Many pedophiles will remark, if you ask closely, about being singled out and policed for their sexual fantasies. Most of these core haters are Christian conservatives like I am, and may single out their own pedophilic children if they have any. The hatred spreads through the atmosphere, and is a long-standing sexual taboo about admitting to a "perversion" not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the Bible

Pedophilic children are the most oppressed of pedophiles and children alike. They are individuals with two strikes against them. They are of the wrong age, and have the wrong mental health diagnosis or self-diagnosis. Most are singled out by their parents for physical, psychological, or sexual abuse, or other forms of sexual shaming. Most pedophiles are victims of sexual shaming in childhood, leaving a trauma that lasts a lifetime.

Trauma survivors and trauma-informed therapists are the people that are most understanding of pedophiles, namely anti-spanking adults. I am a pedophile, and in my experience, the people most understanding to my pedophilic condition are anti-spanking adults. Most adults who are anti-spanking support all oppressed classes in society, and that includes pedophiles who do not offend against children in any way. The enemies of trauma survivors, namely pro-spanking parents and other adults, keep pedophiles down, usually due to being jealous of the fact that a pedophile can easily admit their self-interest towards children when allowed to, whereas most adults hate children and deny having self-interest in relation to children. So, the two oppressions overlap. However, the core of the hatred comes from spiritually abusive parents who spread bile and hatred about pedophiles like steam vents, and then the hatred spreads through the atmosphere, then taking the form of adult jealousy.

I myself am a non-offending pedophile, and I am grateful and lucky to have a good support system, namely a mother I can tell anything to, as well as other family members and a therapist, among others, and now I have a whole children's rights support group to talk to about my disorder remotely. I am well-adjusted due to having the support system, proving, with absolute proof, that a pedophile thrives when supported by a support system. Sadly, few pedophiles have access to an in-person support system. Most people simply understand that I am still immature in terms of development, and that my attractions are an expression of that immaturity in terms of age of attraction.

Let the depraved and defiled adult fornicators of children BURN in everlasting Hell-fire! Repent!

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