Thursday, February 10, 2022

Sexual shaming: Unveiling religious child abuse against pedophilic children (why we should care)

Many people hate pedophiles. It is a blind hatred more than anything - they don't even know what pedophilia even is. Pedophilia is a form of parental sexual attachment to children under age 14, and is associated with the immaturity featured in those with autism spectrum disorders or related disorders such as ADD/ADHD, and is genetically associated with autism. Most with autism are not pedophiles, but most pedophiles are autistic in some way, usually having a very empathic form of autism known as "exist". Any ordinary person can be a pedophile as well, but we conflate the disorder with autism to better understand the vulnerable nature of most pedophiles. 

Most pedophile hysteria is the result of parental sexual shaming of pedophiles, usually coated with some form of punishment such as spanking or corporal punishment. Many survivors of child abuse of pedophiles say their parents instinctively sought them out and singled them out for punishment, not allowing for them to masturbate. Some parents did this for overt religious reasons, while others perverted anti-pornography feminism to punish teenage boys for indulging in sexual fantasy about children. I myself am a heavy-duty, prohibitionist Christian feminist with sex-critical leanings, and I have nothing against men masturbating as long as the motive is to discharge an attraction and not to plan to act on one outside of marriage.

The core of pedophile hatred is the widespread misinterpretation of Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not simply to desire, under the Hebraic definition of the word in the Septuagint, but desire to the point of taking the first steps to act out one's sexual thoughts with another person outside of marriage. Adult sexual entitlement is taking the first steps to sexually harass, assault, or rape a child. Simply having sexual thoughts about children is not a moral crime, but it can be sin otherwise for narcissists who would use solo masturbation as a planning or yearning device, meaning if an adult takes the first steps towards sexual relations with children, their choice to masturbate MIGHT be called into question if the fantasy prompts them to offend a child sexually. Most pedophiles are tested victims, and shouldn't mind a little visit to fantasy-land where they can have all the little boys and girls they like, and it would do no harm.

Sexual shaming is a form of adult sexual entitlement as well, as denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting one's pedophilic child to not fantasize about children to the point of imposition, with the abuse being the accompanying offense. Entitlement leading to theft, with entitlement here meaning desire to control imposed on the child, and theft being any stealing from a child's quality of life to the slightest degree, at minimum. Anything that is perceived as offensive to the child is child abuse, meaning theft coming from entitlement.

Prejudicial parents are the core of the hatred of pedophiles, and they usually have at least partial religious motivation. Most pedophiles are not Christians such as I, but atheists and agnostics, and this is due to the religious child abuse they endured as a child, and conflated with pedophilia. They felt the "God" they grew up with hated them to the core for their pedophilia, and recovery from that trauma meant shedding religious beliefs. Think the quirky, intellectual type of atheist, who is clearly autistic, and is self-educated as such, who sees the world as technical and with rules of evidence. I see the world with a similar form of discipline and rules of evidence, but believe in the God of Christianity. I can stay that way because my abusive parents never taught me about how God hated how I was abused - I believed in nothing while being abused. I was never abused for being a pedophile, and my parents were motivated to change their minds on parenting partially because I was a pedophile and admitted it first to a parent.

I am a pedophile myself. I call myself one instead of saying I have one because that's the proper medical nomenclature for me. I do see my disorder in person-first terms, meaning I have a disorder, and it doesn't define me morally or otherwise. I don't want to be seen as "that pedophile" but as a person first, who has a disorder. I first told my mother, and surely she forgets until I bring it up (I can tell). I am an example of what happens if the mental health system gets a pedophile right. My therapist is a trauma-informed therapist, and a parenting coach alongside that, and my pedophilic disorder was treated as a parenting struggle, and just like any parenting struggle. Most people in my community see me as a parent on one level, but having an attraction that makes sense because I am immature like the children I am attracted to. I am a likeable person, and was likeable even as an abuser. I appeared the victim when I was abusing children, and used that to my advantage. I was a correctable abuser, which means I accepted the limits set by children, but only in gradual terms. My main offenses under the children's rights system are antisocial "flirt"/"company". Most of my victims have forgiven me, which I am undeserving of. I do believe in healthy stigma for pedophilic behavior towards children, whereas I was excused by many due to my autism.

Why is the cause for children's rights able to be conflated with pedophile rights? Pedophilic children are the most oppressed of pedophiles, and they often are closeted, having nowhere to go. Perhaps many teen suicides are due to oppression of pedophilic children in particular. Most online groups for non-offending pedophiles exclude children, for understandable yet unfortunate reasons. Also, pedophiles are kept down like children are. Children are more oppressed than any other group in the world, but pedophiles aren't that far advanced in their status compared to children, particularly in the United States. Pedophiles, when disclosed, are treated by the other person the same way they would discipline their own children. Most countries that show considerable progress in pedophile rights are children's rights countries to the core. Germany and Israel are very much supportive to pedophiles, but also inclusive to children as well, and both countries have banned the corporal punishment of children.

How will the rights of pedophiles spread? As in many countries, pro-pedophile expands as the influence of children's rights expands. Children's rights support is understood in terms of layers of knowledge. A lot of people might be pro-spanking, but have profiling knowledge to catch adults who do abuse children. The real support for children's rights, however, is a growing compound of parents who are giving up spanking, usually first then switching to time-out and then, from there, switching to just talking to their children when time-out doesn't work. Among men, pedophiles and those with pedophilic traits are more likely to support children's rights. Many people claim not to trust the movement, while following its principles anyway, meaning progress is being made. These are the same people that are becoming more understanding of pedophiles as an oppressed minority. Most of us here in the children's rights movement have read articles about non-offending pedophiles, as well as those that follow our values. I support the Virtuous Pedophiles movement because without their advocacy, the children's rights movement would have spit me out like the rest. I simply came to cement the change of heart of this movement.

Let the depraved and entitled parents who provoke pedophilic children to anger BURN in everlasting Hell-fire! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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