Sunday, January 16, 2022

Preventing sexual abuse before the fact: Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Many parents blame pedophiles for sexual abuse cases, as do most adults. Most people hate pedophiles, but most people in the United States who hate pedophiles don't know what pedophilia is, or else they wouldn't hate it. Pedophiles are simply adults who never grew up in some capacity or another, and never will.

Pedophilia is parental attachment to children under age 14 conflated with sexuality. Sexualized attachment to children over age 14 is what we call ephebophilia. A pedophile is a sexually motivated parent, usually seeing children on an equal plane. However, attraction to children under age 18 isn't exclusive to pedophiles. Most men and many women as well are attracted to children. It is about time that America wakes up and takes full responsibility for not sexually abusing a child, meaning each and every adult in this country.

Any adult, in terms of hypotheticals, is capable of sexual abuse towards children, to some degree. With many adults, this degree is heightened, particularly with teenagers, and this goes for women too. This requires individual responsibility in order to keep this massive rash of adult attraction to children at bay.

The Greek root word denoting sexual entitlement is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers to, here, taking the first steps to not abusing a child sexually. This is based on the fact that the moment the fornication against children is committed, and that first touch is made, every choice you made that led you down the dark path to sexually abusing a child will also be questioned by God. Usually, these choices are locational, and not concerning the drives alone. The most common excuse given by sexual predators towards children is "I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time". Why were you even there? Sexual abuse happens when pedophiles are reckless about their location, and put themselves in high-risk situations, such as being alone with a child they are attracted to when they have to change and/or bathe. They can simply choose not to be alone with a child. I stay far away from the line of being alone with a child, and don't even interact with a child except in a neutral, supervised location.

In the Early Church, there was no "Hell curse" for pedophiles. Pedophiles not only could be open and honest about their attraction, but it was required as a form of pro-social honesty, meaning when questioned about a child welfare concern, a pedophile had to directly plead "yea" or "nay" and give testimony to back up their plea. They were confronted, and if they admitted it right away, they were seen as not a threat, that is, if they were calm and rational about it. 

The common parenting advice for sexual attraction to one's own child from church elders and deacons was masturbation to fantasies of one's own child, or to fantasies of children in general. Pornography was banned in the Early Church, but that went for ALL pornography and not just something a pedophile would look at. What was recommended was re-channeling a dead end fantasy about one's child into a box in one's head, so the immediate tendency to gratify the desire involved the parent taking it out on themselves, not the child, preferably when the child wasn't around.

The main acronym at play here is pro-social pedophile admission, which is owning up to any sexual attraction to children you might have towards your child, their friends, or perhaps other children. This means the average man who is attracted to teenage girls. Own up to it, and work against it at the same time. 

I myself am a non-offending pedophile, and I am fully aware of that fact. Full awareness of pedophilia is like holding a mouse on a computer. You have complete and total control over where the cursor goes. I have complete and total choice as to whether I want to abuse a child. The more I am alone with a child, the more my choices feel limited, so I just don't ever be alone with a child, and remember to masturbate to fantasies often so not to become repressed. Children usually ignore me, but when I am repressed and needy in that direction, they are afraid of me and stare at me.

There is much hysteria concerning pedophiles and pedophilia. Most sympathetic people blame this movement - the children's rights movement - for the hatred. The fact of the matter is that pedophile hysteria is based on a false and abusive "Christian" teaching known as the "Hell curse". No inborn trait can send someone to Hell if it isn't used for sinful purposes - abstinent pedophiles who choose not to abuse children are excused from Hell, which all parents and adults who identify by entitlement will go. 

Much progress has been made in understanding pedophiles since 2012, when the Virtuous Pedophiles forum was founded. This is a good sign for children as well, as most countries that have banned spanking and corporal punishment are understanding of the sex-positive needs of pedophiles. Attachment research shows that when societies warm up to pedophiles, children are treated less punitively as well, and vice versa. In most pro-child societies, pedophiles are also accepted, at least in certain circles, usually seen by the public as a tragic fate, whereas the pedophiles see it as their normal, and the stigma lessens to simply pity.

Let the adult fornicators towards children BURN! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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