Sunday, January 16, 2022

The "Hell curse": Debunking a false and abusive teaching towards pedophiles

Many people hate pedophiles. Most civil libertarian defenders of pedophiles blame children's rights advocates for the hysteria, whereas I disagree, and think many of these "defenders" are using pedophiles for a child hating cause, pitting us against who we love. The actual hysteria comes from a false and abusive religious teaching, not a group of people.

A pedophile hater is different from someone who is insensitive. They know everything about pedophiles, and even when informed, still hate pedophiles, and they hate them ALL, usually with that including themselves in denial. Usually, these haters are backed with white supremacist roots. Pedophile hatred is white supremacy, meaning Hitler basically invented the modern-day hatred of pedophiles.

The "Hell curse" is said to come from Colossians 3:5-7 KJV:

Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked in some time, ye lived in them.

"Inordinate affection" is denoted by the Greek root word translated επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers note merely to desire, but desire to the point of taking the first steps to, in this case, abusing a child sexually. Being sexually attracted to a child is not a sin, and will not land pedophiles in Hell simply for existing. Existence is a moral crime for all adults, that all adults are guilty of, but is not punishable unless it is conflated with entitlement or other moral crimes against children, which we all are guilty of, and should turn ourselves in for, pedophile or no pedophile

The Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia), contrary to popular belief, does not refer to sexual identity at all. Sexual identity is not a biblical concept for good or for bad, but is a secular concept. Fornication is any sexual expression outside of marriage, by way of rape/sexual assault, fraudulent marriage, or obscenity. When sexual entitlement hits a child, meaning impacts them in some way, it is fornication, particularly when touching them with sexual motives, but also when menacing them in an amorous way in a way that offends them.

Pedophile identification was not only acceptable in the Early Church, but it was mandatory as a form of pro-social honesty. When questioned about one's attraction to children as an inquiry into the welfare of a child, an adult had to answer "yea" or "nay" and provide testimony for their plea in a court of law. Any evasiveness was seen as a sign of guilt, meaning any pedophile who hid then was seen as molesting a child.

Pedophile hatred has existed ever since the Christianization of Rome, but was long a hidden taboo that came out once the pedophilia was admitted to. Adolf Hitler was the first open and rabid pedophile hater, sterilizing pedophiles and deeming them genetically inferior. At the same time, eugenics was on the move as an idea in the United States, and the same attitude was held - "exterminate the pedophiles". This hatred exists today, and exists not because of any risk for children - people in this country don't care one bit about children - but because pedophiles are different in a way that violates sexual taboos. In most countries that understand pedophiles and treat them halfway decent, such as Germany, Sweden, and Denmark, spanking and corporal punishment is banned and children enjoy more rights than in the United States. Most people who relate to pedophiles relate to them like their own child, meaning if you are a punitive parent, you are going to be punitive with a pedophile. However, most gentle, non-violent parents simply listen into posts like this, and understand by admitting that they don't understand, willing to hear me out.

Why does this information matter? The most marginalized of pedophiles are children, and I see them as children first, pedophiles second. They are like any other child, but simply have an attraction to much younger children. Such children need attachment parenting even more, and when you disclose pedophilia like I do to a parent, your parents end up trusting you completely, because they know that if you have a crush on a child, it will come out somehow, and they can monitor it. Children should not fear Hell because they are a pedophile.

Let the depraved haters and projectory fornicators BURN! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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