Thursday, January 6, 2022

Debunking pedophile hysteria using the Bible

Many people believe pedophiles should be hated, usually in a homicidal way that advocates genocide. The fact of the matter is that a lot of people, especially children's rights progressives. Most of the people that have been for pedophile rights have been the progressive, pro-child type of voter, with women being the most understanding, and men taking the admission more personally.

Pedophilia is a mental illness involving preferential sexual attraction to children under age 14. Ephebophilia is a related term for sexual attraction to children age 15-18. 3 out of 4 pedophiles in North America have not sexually abused a child, and most pedophiles are youth rights supporters. 

Pedophile hysteria is not something that has a centralized, ideological source. Children's rights, as a community, did promote it quite a bit in the past, going by the instructions of men, otherwise unempowered to use their own intuition to deal with a pedophile. Children's rights men are peacekeepers, period. Children's rights women simply have one, from an identified and admitted trauma. Children's rights women, from the start, were more in touch with their natural instincts as women, and wanted to hear out pedophiles and give them asylum, but many of the autistic pedophiles that we took in had behavior problems, and the men gave a non-listening regime to deal with a subject that needed listening-type procedures. 

Pedophile hysteria comes from the false belief that inborn attractions can be "inordinate affections". No pedophile is predestined to Hell just for being a pedophile. There is no "Hell curse" to being a pedophile. It says in Colossians 3:5-7 KJV:

Mortify you members which are among the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and does not refer merely to admitting to unrequited attractions, but to imposing desires onto children. It is when sexualizing intent hits the child, and is perceived by the child in some way, either by way of rape or sexual assault or obscenity, with obscenity meaning sexually objectifying comments in impromptu context, meaning where others, including possibly the child victim, could be offended by the sexually obscene and objectifying comments. If a pedophile keeps to themselves, and fantasizes for themselves only, they are not Hell-bound, as all moral crimes require willful or reckless intent. If a pedophile sexually harasses or assaults a child, they are only guilty for the damages imposed on the child, not the fact that they are attracted to children. The Greek root word translated "inordinate affections" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers to sexual entitlement, meaning not merely sexual desire, but sexual desire to the point of seeking out what is desired. It is one thing to desire children sexually, but are you taking the first steps to seek them out for sexual relations? Once the sexual entitlement hits the child, and either offends them or leads them astray, every choice leading up to the act of fornication was also questioned. Fantasy alone was not a moral crime, but could be if it was a motivating factor for a sexual offense against a child. Most pedophiles do not harbor a sexual narcissist, with most abuse being locational in terms of causation, such as with the predatory pedophile being alone with a child at the scene of the crime, and not equipped to deal with the situation. 

Parent education for pedophiles is crucial because pedophiles do interact with children, and many are the type of adult that "just get it". They, however, will need to learn how to navigate around the opportunity of sexually abusing a child. Most child sexual abuse occurs in a home setting, and in a part of the home where nudity is likely to be present, meaning pedophiles need to learn to not be alone with a child, and this is a need they can easily advocate in today's society. Most pedophiles can figure this out on their own, but we need an educational campaign to educate pedophiles how to avoid sexual contact with children, and how to fantasize safely based on child pornography laws. We may need to take a few steps back at how we treat pedophiles as children's rights advocates before this country is ready for a spanking ban, which should gain popularity alongside the humane treatment of pedophiles.

Legal hurdles to treating pedophiles as struggling parents in a mental health setting is mandatory reporting laws, meaning children should not have to rely on a certain specific list of adults to report their abuse to the authorities. A child should simply be able to call 9-1-1 when perceiving abuse from parents or other adults, with child abuse being whatever the child victim perceives. Let the children themselves decide what is abuse, and then the decent adults will simply apologize. Teach children that whenever they feel unsafe around an adult, they can dial 9-1-1 and the police will solve the issue. There should be no need to mandate the reporting of child abuse, and therapists and mental health professionals shouldn't be on the list. Talking to your therapist should be just like talking to your priest or pastor when going to confession. Children should be the ones reporting child abuse, since it concerns them, and children are quite fair, in my experience as a pedophile, as to what threatens or offends them, meaning most children are forgiving, but assertive as well. 

Pedophilia is a cord, with the thread being the sexual attraction to children, with said thread conflated by an encasement that holds all the ideas that shape its expression towards children. In most cases, it is conflated with the immaturity associated with developmental disorders such as autism and ADHD. The majority of pedophiles test as victims of the ultimate sort, with angry or depressed characteristics. Pedophilia is a form of parental attachment that is sexualized in nature, usually in terms of connotations attached to children, while usually not involving the child directly. Pedophilia, proper, is sexual self-interest in any parental attachment to children, and because of the non-normative nature of pedophilia, most pedophiles haven't internalized the child hating norms of society. Most pedophiles abstain from their parental entitlement towards children because society holds rightly that sexual relations with children is wrong. But, we could do without criminalizing the existence of pedophiles. Most pedophiles are children's rights adults, and we could learn from pedophiles as a children's rights community as to what it is like not to resent children one bit. Most pedophiles, except the core abusers, do not resent children, but have affection for them all, and are attracted to a subset of children largely based on age and gender.

It is about time that we include pedophiles into our society, meaning pedophiles can admit to their condition wherever relevant, and in a mental health setting, your diagnosis or self-diagnosis of pedophilia should be relevant alongside all other diagnoses. Most Americans already agree that we could do better for pedophiles, including most children's rights advocates. The more we accept pedophiles, the more we can accept children, since attachment to both is received at the same level. Someone securely attached to a pedophile might actually gain respect for the children their son, daughter, friend, or significant other is attracted to.

Let the depraved and entitled bigots who oppose pedophile rights by way of anti-pedophile entitlement and collective perjury burn in Hell, and have the same predestined fate by way of their choices that the allege to pedophiles by way of their attractions! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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