Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Why pedophiles are the ultimate child victims

Many people think of pedophiles as abusers of children. This is a common fallacy among many on the far right of politics especially. I myself support "never Trump" because Donald Trump is truly the pedophile hater in chief, alongside the anti-pedophile Nazis on the alt-right...and that's what they are - Nazis. Adolf Hitler in fact came up with the idea of hating pedophiles in today's modern context. The fact of the matter is that pedophilic children are the worst yet best victims of child abuse such as spanking and corporal punishment.

Pedophilia is antisocial traumatic dissociation in sexual format, directed towards children under age 14, meaning children with the disorder might dissociate from enduring child abuse by way of sexual fantasy. Due to its positioning on the parental level of visage, pedophiles usually do not hide trauma well.

All childhood trauma for a pedophile is a war-zone trauma. Think the battle-weary soldier, only the war was lost from the very beginning - adults ruled, and plundered their child stock that they owned. Most children have long forgotten their abuse the day it arrived, whereas pedophilic children tell us exactly what the rest of children must be feeling, but not admitting to anyone. Most people find my trauma horrifying when I uncork it. YOU PARENTS SHALL PAY IN COURT SOMEDAY!!!!! - and that's my trauma being blared. Most pedophiles are Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) and are in tune with their parental side, and the trauma conflated, from the moment the trauma was laid onto that parental thread that is pedophilia.

I myself was abused within the law by my parents, and most every adult that was entrusted in my care as a parent in loco parentis. All parents, all adults, switch-swatching like a switchboard, like birds of a feather uniting to keep me down and keeping me cornered. I generally point my hatred at parents, but all adults suck in this country, and I can't say I am perfect either being the pedophile that I am as an adult. I speak of pedophilia in child format because they actually have rights. I don't, because I am the adult to them, and am responsible and convicted as such. I see adulthood as full of duties in relation to children, meaning I can't bring myself to overpower them, or endorse my adult status like a badge of honor to wave in front of a child.

Most pedophiles are memory narcissists, meaning we remember our abuse from our parents clearly, including incidents most people choose not to remember and instead repress. It is an overload of traumatic emotion, meaning I am ANGRY that I was punished the way I was. Conservatism simply means to me I can't change reality on the issue of spanking, so I sort of put children's rights into a box, and otherwise live my life. I have a parental rights trauma, and that involves seeing your trauma in children as a bystander, and wanting to do something about it, in a paranoid frenzy.

Pedophiles aren't simply victims. Pedophiles are victims of child abuse. They are the most compelling victims of corporal punishment as children, enough to shock the living daylights out of you. Pedophilic trauma is expressed in order to convict, and we enjoy expressing it and blaring it, meaning we can get revved up hurling our trauma on someone else. It is a crusading trauma of sorts that needs to be tamped down if one wishes to have a normal life. I am not usually this outspoken against child abuse, instead resorting to pro-social espionage as well as pro-social judgment.

I support stronger child abuse laws, meaning a legal prohibition on corporal punishment and anything else the child perceives as abusive. Whatever the child perceives as abuse should objectively be seen as such. Lock up all the parent abusers of pedophiles, because that pedophile might be your child, and if your child is changing your mind on the spanking issue, that might just be the reason for your child being so open about their anger...the cork is completely open, and they don't care who they offend by blaring their trauma everywhere. Yes, I support stronger laws against child abuse, even as a pedophile advocate, and that is because the hatred of pedophiles is so strongly rooted in the abuse of children, in which case any child conceived or born could grow up to be a pedophile, in the mere realm of possibility. I was not abused as a child as a pedophile, meaning most of the abuse came before me admitting to my parents that I was a pedophile. My parents tried their best to understand, which cushioned me from the unwelcome of greater society directed towards pedophiles.

Let the depraved and entitled parents who hate their pedophilic children burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them BURN in everlasting torment, forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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