Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Child abuse imagery: What is it? (and why you could be making it)

Many parents think that child abuse imagery exists only in a dark corner of the Internet that doesn't concern them. Child abuse imagery is any image or documentation of child abuse. Child abuse, in part, is any violation of a child's consent, meaning entitlement towards a child that leads to a consent violation.

The Tenth Commandment is repeated in the New Testament by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting to display an image of a child to point to seeking to do so while imposing that choice on the child, meaning imposing your want for the child to seen and visible to all, when the child may want privacy. Children have the right to privacy, with their likeness being holy like God's. Graven images of children are akin to graven images of God.

What is an example of a graven image of a child? Any image that would or does cause embarrassment or shame to the child, such as an image taken in a private context, or else any image that depicts a child being mistreated or abused in an outright fashion, including sexual abuse or public humiliation/shaming. The attitude is one of seeing the child as a porcelain object to objectify and swoon after instead of a full human being with rights.

Contrary to popular belief, gentle parents are not mass producers of child abuse imagery. More liberal pro-spanking parents are pinpointed by Anti-Parent radar, meaning the picture happy type of parent who also punishes children on the side, meaning main. Many pro-spanking parents are social progressives - we call them pro-corpun feminists, meaning the feminazis who only about their own rights and leave their daughters out of the picture, seeing their daughters as property and slaves to them, with them having equal rights to plunder their children as the men do. The feminists here (myself included perhaps) do see children as human beings and not property.

The pro-spanking feminazis on the parent side of things need to stop the production of child abuse imagery, with such filthy, disgusting women taking the attitude "I own you until age 18, and I post what I want". It's called bloodlust, and may it start at the little fish, with the hope of catching a big fish lurking among the small fish. Who knows? We might actually catch a predator if the police went after each and every image taken without the child's consent or knowledge, as that is what child pornography, in the grand scale of things. Everything on its spectrum, but when your child resents a photograph, delete it, or face the fury and terror of God Almighty, 

Let the depraved scum who punish children, then promote their children falsely on the Internet, burn in everlasting Hell-fire for all eternity! Let them suffer the second death, having no rights of their own! Let them suffer for all eternity in a Torrent of fire and brimstone! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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