Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The age of consent: Why sex with children will never be okay (even if is today - to some degree)

Many people think the age of consent is 18 throughout the country, and perhaps that there is federal legislation ensuring that. That is actually not the case, meaning the age of consent here in Pennsylvania is 16, and even younger when allowed by the court within a marriage.

Sex with children is already normalized in some segments of society, and the result isn't pretty. Child marriage is currently legal in all 50 states, and was legalized in Delaware recently by popular demand. Who does it? Conservative Christians in what is called a shotgun wedding. I have never known a pedophile in my circles at the Virtuous Pedophiles forums to support child marriage, with all opposing it on moral grounds, with articles about such being intended to spark outrage among pedophiles.

The age of consent does exist in the Bible. The sex crime laws under Jewish law are repeated by one word, πορνεία (Latin: porneia), and refers to all sex crime statutes under the Law of Moses, including the age of consent/marriage. Children then could not marry, as the age of majority went then, as the age of consent/marriage was at the age of majority, which is 18 today. The ancient Hebrews saw sex as an adult action, and something very special that was to be saved for marriage, meaning the act itself finalized the marriage contract. Children under the age of majority could not sign a contract, thus they could not get married.

Will sex with children be okay? I do believe most forms of abuse have more iatrogenic factors than inherent factors, but objective morality can create moral laws that have no meaning except the law itself, meaning propriety standards that existed then mandating same-age marriage. Young men then married young women their same age or slightly older. We might get to the point, given our founding values, where children would age as adults younger and thus be able to perhaps marry their high school sweetheart. But, that is as far as we will let that go in this country, as we are a Christian nation, founded on Judeo-Christian values, and we will never allow sex with children by adults to be legal anywhere.

We need to raise the age of consent in Pennsylvania to 18, alongside the statute against corrupting the morals of a minor. Sex with a child today in Pennsylvania could violate the law without breaking it, meaning any adult that comes into contact with a child acts in place of the parent, meaning the legal doctrine of parent in loco parentis. Thus, sex with a child as an adult in Pennsylvania is like a parent having sex with their own child, and that isn't right.

The depraved and defiled adult fornicators towards children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them BURN and suffer the second death, prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven!

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