Sunday, December 26, 2021

Pro-social meekness, pro-social punching bag: Core Christian family values for parenting

Many parents believe in being strong and proud as a parent. Some children, however, come as proud as a king, right out of their mother's womb. What is the solution? More of the same? Children need a meek example, for "blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth". How meek are you as a parent in relation to children? How much of a punching bag are you for their onslaught of upset and aggression (both verbal and physical). 

Not all children respond well to punitive discipline, and stomp right all over the boundaries parents back up with punishment. Attachment parenting is special needs parenting, namely autism parenting, assuming all children have those same needs that children with disabilities such as autism, ADHD, and bipolar disorder, self-advocate for loudly. Pro-social meekness is a children's rights conditioning of an adult, and it usually comes with parents being used as a punching bag for their pro-social parent abuse. When saying "parent abuse", picture a 4-year-old punching a parent, and the parent falling limp instead of getting defensive.

Christian love, as denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao), is submission to the every need of a child as her enemy. All parents are guilty in relation to children, and are deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children. Parents can redeem themselves by turning themselves into the Lord through their children, shedding their parent pride, being struck with reverent fear and terror, becoming meek and shamefaced in surrendering to their parental duties towards children. A parent should have the humble compassion of a nurse or waiter/waitress. A parent to be a caregiver to this very capacity, striving for perfection, knowing they will never be a perfect parent, living in shame of their own depraved sin nature. Children are to be allowed to rest in this meek servitude towards them. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) refers to childhood rest in the sturdy shelter of parents, with parents being sturdy in a meek way, with children shouting orders at parents, barking morning breath in their face, and occasionally striking out fully, with parents being meek and shamefaced, not retaliating or using punishment in the face of their children's onslaught. Parents in biblical times were a human punching bag their child's every immature emotion and reaction to adverse consequences of life, with parents just taking the brunt of it, listening to their child's upset. Children in biblical times were the type to have two sides to them - calm and rational for the rest of the world, but bold and demanding for their parents, and parents were sure to siphon the upset and frustrations of their children to them by being their best friend, thus children being attached securely to parents, not straying out of their line of sight.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to provocations to anger inflicted upon children, meaning any and all offenses against children, as defined as the slightest of personal offenses perceived by children. The Apostle Paul was enforcing a ban on punishing and controlling children under the Law, upholding the Eighth and Tenth Commandments. Greek Christians in the Early Christian church communities held onto their custom of spanking children. Many had already converted to attachment parenting, but some needed a rebuke to strike terror in the heart of the sinner, and deliver the Greek Christians from their sinful parenting ways. The "rod verses" in Proverbs are repealed verses due to the fact that they refer to the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction in the original Hebrew linguistic and legal context - the translation in all English versions of the Bible is poor concerning the "rod verses" in Proverbs. Striking a child at all, or punishing a child at all, could get a parent in ancient Judeo-Christian society charged with kidnapping, an offense that was deemed worthy of death, but where Christ spared the execution by enduring capital punishment.

Some children have issues such as bipolar disorder, that involve physical aggression. Just take it. Parents in ancient Israel and adjoining churches would not have had such a child put to death, as minor children could not be put to death for being stubborn and rebellious, or for any crime they committed against a parent or anyone else - striking parents only was a moral crime in the Old Testament, and only for adult children. Parents then would have taken the blows and punches, and would have allowed themselves to be broken down to tears, using full vulnerability gaslighting with an aggressive children. This is known as onslaught gaslighting, meaning setting yourself up to lose in an altercation. Most of the time, it was intended to signal help. But, if a child was doing the battering, nobody cared then...Tears usually stop childhood aggression, meaning instead of getting mad at a child, get sad and cry for being treated so harshly. 

Onslaught gaslighting here is to acknowledge and respect the vulnerability of the child, with reverent fear and terror. Ancient Jewish and Christian parents, but especially Christian parents, were the shaky type of parent that was meek and quiet,  and that were passive about their child's wants. Most children got what they wanted, and rarely had a request shot down. Parents found a way to make it work, even for requests such as wanting to move to a different home or location. Parents were trained by their churches then not to decline requests merely due to issues related to comfort and convenience - parents had to give their child whatever they wanted within reason, meaning everything physically attainable or safe, and could not cut corners for comfort or convenience purposes. Parenting was seen as both selfless and thankless in nature, as children were not expected to even thank for their children for anything. Children could just run with the care and service they received from their parents, keeping a piece of their parents deep in their hearts. Children often did say "thank you", but only to mimic their parents thanking them for doing favors that children could have easily just let their parents do.

Most behavior, including aggression, is a phase. Children may engage in an array of childish behaviors - and they grow out of almost all of them. Constant crying is a phase, then whining, then maturity. A 2 or 3 year old may hit, kick, or even bite because they don't have the words to communicate their needs, and so they go off on parents, hoping parents will figure out their needs. Sadly, most children get punished for developmentally appropriate behaviors intended to communicate needs.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared of Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath for all eternity! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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