Monday, December 20, 2021

How a pedophile can prevent sexual offenses against children

Can sexual abuse really be ended? Yes, it can. Adults can simply choose not to abuse children, including with sexual abuse. I myself am a pedophile of the non-offending and anti-contact variety, and I think the main cause of sexual abuse is ignorance and recklessness among those sexually attracted to children, including pedophiles.

The most common excuse for child sexual abuse is "I was just in the wrong place in the wrong time". Why were you even there? Also, why were you drinking so much? Why were you smoking so much weed? Why were you shooting up heroin? I can just avoid these things, but an actual child sexual abuser chooses to be in a situation and under circumstances where abuse towards a child can occur.

A good cardinal rule to have as an adult is not to be alone with a child, particularly if you are a man. Just commit to not being alone with a child, and your risk to children sexually goes pretty much down to zero. Child sexual abuse happens when an adult is alone with a child, and is sexually attracted to them on some level. They usually lack a sense of boundaries, and want to be with a child, clinging onto them, and then turn on them on the last day, when they find an opportunity to be alone with them.

Pedophiles and other adults attracted to children usually do not act on their desires. Those that do are motivated by recklessness and foolhardiness, getting into risky situations, thinking they are invincible in some way, many times as a honeymoon period stemming from depression concerning the fate of being a pedophile. Other times, it is an ordinary adult happening to be alone with a teenage girl in a once in a lifetime opportunity to sexually assault or rape her, refusing to acknowledge the attraction. Sexual abuse is something that can easily be prevented by the pedophilic adult in question, and so it should not be happening at all today. The idea is for adults to be aware of their sexual attractions to children, in a way that allows them to control it like a pilot controls the course of an airplane, meaning you have total control over your desires as a part of being totally aware of them. It would also help if you avoided being alone with children of any age.

Every single adult is guilty in relation to children, as all adults are capable of the choice to abuse a child under the right/wrong conditions. I myself hold myself accountable under that pretense. My religious restrictions on interacting with children aren't primarily drives based, but location based in nature. 

My religious beliefs as a Christian prohibit being alone with a child, or else in any interaction that could lead to offense perceived by the child, which is the objective moral definition of child abuse. I am not allowed alone with a child. I am not allowed anywhere near being alone with a child. I am not even to speak to a child, lest I start flirting. The form of abuse I committed involves the moral crime of antisocial "flirt". 

It is my belief that a lot of adults sexually abuse children because a lot of adults simply are ignorant of the harm on a private, usually domiciliary level, and believe in staying ignorant. These beliefs, usually that a child is "in love" with them, or maybe that the child needs "cleansing". My excuse was projecting attraction onto children that wasn't there, just because they were nice to me.

It says in 1 Corinthians 7:1 KJV:

Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: it is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband,.

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to unlawful sexual contact with another person, meaning any person from another outside of a legally sanctioned marriage, including children, with the contact coloring one's intent in the reverse, defiling the offender next to the child they led astray. I first picture, when I want to sexually interact with a child, being seen by God as filthy and disgusting in a way that angers Him, and then burning in Hell for all eternity, and I think of these things subliminally. The child ends up in their own bubble, and I am obligated by Law not to incur into their personal space, lest I commit fornication.

Looking at a child is not fornication, but looking at them while masturbating to their body is, including in online chat settings. Once an adult is charged morally with fornication, every choice they committed before the fact is called into question, and if it led them to the impure act, it was counted as part of the act. In my case, it would involve being alone with children, perhaps with a bit of down time, so I avoid any situation close to that, seeking to meet with any child I want to befriend in a neutral location. 

I have a sexual harassment problem with children. I am not a virtuous pedophile, but simply work for that agency. I know enough to know that a pedophile can simply choose not to abuse children, and that it is easy for them - just don't do it, and don't be at a time and place where it can happen. Most sexual abuse occurs in either the bathroom or the child's bedroom, and the trick is for the pedophile to just not be there when the child is there.

Let the sexually entitled adults/fornicators BURN! Let them suffer and be tormented forever and ever in the lake of fire! The vile and damned fornicators will not be saved! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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