But ye have heard that it was said of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
This verse does not discuss a child. And, by the way, biblical men were not prudish about masturbation, at all. It was acceptable to stimulate yourself even to sexual fantasies of children. The Greek root word translated "adultery" is μοιχεύο (Latin: moicheuo) and refers chiefly to adultery, which was the moral crime of taking a man's wife for sexual favors, usually rape then. Such was considered the worst of all sex crimes under the Law of Moses, right alongside raping or sexually assaulting a child. The Greek root word translated γυνέ (Latin: gune) also can mean "wife". The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) does not refer to sexual lusts on the desire level, but sexual entitlement, in this case planning a liaison with a woman or a route to take her from her husband, evidenced on the outside by a defense. Only acts that offend or seek to offend your neighbor are sins generally, except for blasphemy. Thus, there is no need to shame children with this verse, which is disproportionately imposed on boys and young men in Christian homes, and increasingly so. This verse is at the cornerstone of pedophile hatred, yet most American Christians completely misunderstand it. Nowhere in the Bible is the word "pedophile" ever mentioned, for good or bad, as the word wasn't invented yet. Pedophiles were accepted as human beings with a disorder then, and humanized as having a struggle that should supported openly by the community, not closeted.
So you think your child can't be a pedophile? Does your child have autism? How would you feel if they grew up, but their age of attraction did not? That's what pedophilia is, and it is usually an extension of the immaturity associated with a developmental disorder such as autism and ADHD. Boys usually are pedophiles by the teen years, whereas girls are usually autopedophiliacs, meaning attracted to being in the role of a child in the bedroom. Some children have both conditions simultaneously, as I did as a child and still do. What would you do if your child was a pedophile? If you would disown them, you are a gonner to me from the very beginning, and you will burn in Hell. I say that to you like I would any sexual abuser, because there is a great likelihood you are that type of abuser on the side as well, meaning the real problem with sexual abuse isn't with pedophiles, but pedophile haters who hate in order to project their abuse onto an easy target.
Things are getting better in the United States. Children are labeling themselves pedophiles more so than ever before. Before, a few children here and there were forcefully branded pedophiles, as was I in fact. The divide among pedophilic children concerning their safety situation is stark. Most of the country's parents likely would punish their child and disown them, whereas within this growing compound that is children's rights, children have parents that won't punish for anything, and so upon realization, the admission comes out right away. I just disclosed to my mother, and she simply hoped it was a phase, but it wasn't. Most of these children have autism, and autism makes a teenager immature, and if you are stuck at the emotional level of an 11-year-old as a teenage boy, why wouldn't they be stuck at 11-year-old girls, or girls around that age? That's all pedophilia is. They grew up, but their attractions did not. A pedophile is not a peacekeeper in terms of sexuality, but instead is lower, meaning a sexualized parent, meaning they wouldn't indulge in sexual fantasy to plan anything, but instead a pedophile would use it instead of sexually abusing a much younger child.
Most pedophile haters are also child haters. Some simply hate pedophiles, and others offer false "help". Most of the pedophile hatred today is from pro-Trump conservatives (I am a "never Trump" conservative partly because of this), namely the alt-right. It is a men's rights crusade to put down the "beta men" and infiltrate children's rights movements, telling women they don't really know what they do know intuitively about pedophiles. Ultimately, though, it is a form of religious child abuse. Think abyssal themes. Think light among darkness. Simple sexual shaming techniques that seem benign to most parents can scar a child for a lifetime if they turn out to be a pedophile. Most pedophiles are far more a danger to themselves than children, and this sort of abuse is why. In conservative America, there is sadly more hysteria concerning pedophilia in some factions of conservatism, namely more authoritarian conservatives. Libertarian conservatives allow for some home for a pedophile, but hate children's rights, not realizing that "pro-pedophile" is a children's rights term, that many here think is a future context goal for our Community, meaning mental health rights and inclusion for pedophiles.
I wasn't shamed as a child for my pedophilic desires, so I share the other side of the coin - when the system does work, it works quite well, meaning I have people to talk to about my pedophilic issues, meaning a whole support system. I think I have a unique way of explaining it, from a children's rights standpoint, in children's rights language. Most pedophiles are atheist, not religious, whereas I am religious because I took self-acceptance a bit too far, with self-acceptance being immediate when you have parents to listen to, with you forgetting that the outside world isn't the best place to be admitting to a disorder. I wouldn't admit to anything in this post at any public venue, but only privately, so not to disturb the neighbors.
What do these children need? They don't need a workshop with an alphabet soup agency. All children need listening. A pedophile simply needs more listening from their parents. As a mother especially to these children, do you want to listen to your child's issues directly? You can, and then they tell you everything, then the tide recedes because they dealt with it all. The idea is to have as many safe people for your child to talk to as possible. The idea is to give them the space to work on their own issues, and find their own answers, with them leaning on adults only for advice. This does not mean allow them to do whatever they please, meaning supervise the issue. If they want to, perhaps, hang out with younger children, simply be there to supervise and intervene only when they are being inappropriate with a younger child. Let them tell you everything, as they may have crushes like a normal teenager, but to a younger age that is off-limits for romance. Do not provoke children to anger using punishment and control, as that was forbidden throughout the Bible, and uplifted to the Early Church by the Apostle Paul in Col. 3:21. You absolutely can't punish with these children, or else they simply won't confide into you. It is that sensitive of an issue. If I thought my parents would have punished me, I would never have told them, and I never would have gotten the help that I needed, endangering any child that crossed my path.
Let the depraved and entitled prejudicial parents of pedophiles be cast in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
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