Thursday, November 11, 2021

Homeschooling: A good alternative for disruptive students

Homeschooling is a strong American tradition. Most people do not associate children's rights with homeschooling, but I support homeschooling. I would have wanted that as a child, but did not get that from my parents, both whom were liberal schoolteachers.

What is homeschooling, in terms of academics? It is either structured or unstructured, with the unstructured called unschooling. I support unschooling the most, since it fits how academics was taught by fathers in the biblical context. Some children need homeschooling, namely children with autism.

Today, school is more group oriented than it was ever before, and it was when I went to school in the late 2000s-early 2010s. Sometimes, the group is the distraction. Due to my autism, I can only talk to one person at a time, and in front of a whole group, I fall silent, and then I would let everyone else do the work.

Homeschooling is as individualized as it gets, and it is comfy too, since a parent you trust is doing the homeschooling. I would ask my mother to homeschool me, since it would be the least restrictive environment (LRE). I myself was very disruptive when I wasn't listened to by staff in middle and early high school. I was quick to call out answers, and didn't participate in groups, and when I tried to explain why, I was hit with a big wall due to lack of ability to communicate respectfully to an adult, causing power struggles. It would have been much easier if I were homeschooled.

However, homeschooling laws in Pennsylvania do not allow for unschooling. Unschooling is not lack of education, but lack of structured education at home. It is using the child's natural curiosity to encourage learning by way of fun activities, and loose academic discussion for older children. It is the least restrictive environment possible, and it is biblical as a way to teaching. In the New Testament, most Christian children were homeschooled. Most Christians then were counted among the upscale, yet rural families in Greco-Roman culture, and so they could afford to keep their children home from harsh, regimented Hellenistic schools.

I imitated parents when I was at school, meaning I was really my father when ordering around teachers. "Listen to me" was my father's entitled statement, and you can picture a man grabbing a stubborn little boy by the scruff of the collar, and you get the image. I then furthered that anger by spurting it onto teachers. 

Thus, the moral of the story here is that teachers can't wave magic wands. They can influence a child somewhat, meaning teach them new life skills, but they can't replace parents. We need parents, but parents have forgotten their role. They aren't there to be armored dictators, but leaders and teachers of children, meaning the first teachers of their children. However you behave towards them at home is how they will behave at school, likely towards weaker children, but sometimes towards teachers with first-to-last personalities like me. When you punish children, they find some way to punish you back, and punish everyone around them. That's just their nature. So you accommodate their nature and don't punish them at all. Speak to your child like you would have them speak to others, with the same refined, polite tone.

Homeschooling takes away a lot of the stressors a child might have away from home, in a school environment bustling with other students and demanding teachers. I wish I was homeschooled in the unschooling tradition, meaning I support Montessori schools.

The depraved and entitled parents who punish and control their children, and set that example, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend forever and ever into the Hell of fire and torment, with God showing his wrath to the evildoing parents! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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