Thursday, October 7, 2021

Why children are a blank canvas (but I don't draw them as an adult)

Many adult project things onto children. This projection usually keeps them in a backseat position in society. Children are shut out in society, and the reason is that children are deemed innocent in a toxic sense. Children are not innocent and helpless. They are simply innocent of wrongdoing.

It says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not according to the appearance, bur judge righteous judgment. 

The Greek root word translated "judge" and "judgment" is κρινο (Latin: krino) and refers to judging the world righteously, meaning the presumption of innocence, beyond a reasonable doubt, with due suspicion "beyond what the eye can see", as denoted by the Greek root word οψις (Latin: opsis) in the negative, meaning judge beyond how the world appears to you, but while presuming innocence. 

Judging this way makes children appear as a blank canvas, but not for you to assume appearance in terms of a child's traits. Children appear as they naturally appear, avoiding anything but low-level connotations that cannot be avoided, allowing the child to tell you about her life, assuming as a fact that nothing else exists about her than what she tells you. She draws the canvas about herself, and advocates and petitions for herself what she needs from adults, and adults can only guess that maybe she is mistaken about something, and ask questions.

I myself must now admit that I attach sexual connotations to young girls of a certain age, meaning I am attracted to them as a pedophile, and struggle openly. That says nothing about who they are as people, except that they are full people who are attractive. I like being around children, and that's all I need at this point, as the Lord has righteously deprived me of any mere speech towards children without their consent. I can interact verbally in reaction to them interacting. Otherwise, I am to shut up and let them speak.

Judgment that imposes on a child, and attaches traits that aren't there, is a form of parental entitlement, and this is to be fought against in adults, meaning avoided if possible (some adults aren't there yet). The idea is to shape your judgment at the threat of Hell-fire, as God holds your feet to that fire, and commands children be judged as they are, with curious thought going towards getting to know them as people, not as cut-outs or posterboards. If you are a pedophile, you can like the posterboard, but only if you can respect the girl on that poster in real life, and not tell her anything about your dreams about her. She doesn't need to know that crap.

Children tell the story, and anyone who imposes their own story onto children will burn in eternal Hell-fire for entitlement and/or perjury! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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