Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Opening up about my denominational beliefs

I have said here that I have Anabaptist religious beliefs. I am a non-denominational Anabaptist and Christian pacifist. I hate spanking largely because I hate all violence, and see it pointless at the lowest level. Beating each other up and hurting each other is stupid. We need police, but only because of our sinful nature that causes us to hurt each other and kill each other. We shouldn't need police, military or any of that.

I can relate most to moderate Mennonites, but even they need to get their act together in relation to children, and stop being so hypocritical about the peaceful aspects of their faith. Peaceable and orderly I am in most things. Maybe I struggle with things such as cleaning food off of the table more than moral struggles, who knows? I rarely open up on the screen about my denominational beliefs because they should be implied given the text. True Anabaptist beliefs are labeled as such rarely, as we hide, just as any gentle parent hides.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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