Sunday, October 10, 2021

How young is too young for social media?: Why the government should stay out of children's Internet usage

A few days ago, Facebook shut down a hundred or so accounts belonging to children under the age of 18. Under United States law, a child must be at least 13 to have rights to freedom of information, meaning the right to explore information on social media freely. How young is too young for social media? How about being a preborn child, and otherwise, anything goes.

The Greek root word denoting parental entitlement is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to protectionism, meaning protecting a child from abuse and offense in a victim-blaming way, meaning wanting them protected in a way that seeks to impose protection onto children by blaming them or their parents for a dating abuser's online debauchery. This means do not hide pictures of children because of what a pedophile or other sexually entitled adult, and do not hide children being a veil or curtain because some sick adult might prey on then, including on social media.

Do adults have the right to children on social media? Absolutely not! Do children have the right to exist on the Internet? An emphatic yes at the same time! So, who do we police, the predators or the children. A sexually entitled adult is an adult who want sex with a child to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, and these can include online dating abusers. This can include the adults standing with the predator while claiming to oppose him/her, by way of blaming the child and yanking the child away, while the abuser is deemed "out of control" and thus is relinquished of responsibility due to an insanity defense.

I myself am a pedophile. I CAN control myself. We shouldn't remove children from all sight on social media. *I* should not abuse a child, and if I do, *I* am responsible. *I* alone am responsible for any sexually entitled behavior I might engage in as a pedophilic adult. I can easily choose not to friend a child on Facebook, even if I like her and am attracted to her. It is called personal choice, and pedophiles who refuse to recognize personal choice are the most likely to abuse, alongside sexual entitlement towards children.

The government has no say in how a child uses the Internet. It is their business and their business only what social media sites they congregate on. Currently, the minimum age for social media usage is 13, whereas I think it should be zero. This is government overreach, as the government, meaning prosecutors, should be busy locking up sexual abusers of children instead of policing social media websites and forcing them to discriminate against children on the basis of age. Children have the right to information, and the right to weigh for themselves what is true or false, and be informed on methods on how to think, not to think. Yes, that means even an 8 or 9 year old if they are so interested. Let them vote as well while we are at it, though that may never come. Children are not to blame for the existence of predators on social media. Pedophiles and other adults attracted to children are solely responsible for\their actions towards a child.

Children should be free to explore information at their own pace, on whatever website they wish. So, ban age limits regarding social media usage.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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