Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Pro-social adult oppression, pro-social scarlet letter: Why to be oppressed by children

Many parents hate their children, despite claims of loving them. Love in Christian terms is giving to children without receiving anything in return. Children have been treated as the enemy of adult-kind for a long time. It is time that the tables have turned - we adults accept our place, meaning a back seat, with children in the front seat of that bus. We take oppression from children here at Children's Rights. 

We are pro-social oppressed, and relish in our oppression. Scarlet letter A, but it stands for "adult", mean we brand ourselves as adults the monsters that we are to children, for we all are criminal offenders to children in the eyes of God. We are worthless in the eyes of God, and of children, until we prove our worth as adults.

I have a totally depraved and wicked nature, rendering me deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION mere for existing in relation to children. I am deserving of everything rebellious and disrespectful from a child, and nothing good or respectful, because I am deserving of eternal Hell-fire, and have to earn my worth as a Christian adult in relation to children.

It is the lowest, deepest love a parent feels for their child. Feeling entrenched by them, kept down by them...and not complaining one bit. I am privileged to be an adult, and thus guilty as well for having everything, while they have nothing for them, and am grateful for the forgiveness and mercy that most children show me, while being skeptical until every single child forgives me for existing in their midst.

I deserve the shame of God when around one of the little children who are to be first in the Kingdom of Heaven, for being last on earth. Being an adult is a shame and a disgrace in this country in relation to children. I don't identify as an adult in relation to children. I just happen to be one, and am responsible for my actions in that regard. I turn myself into children, with me having no power and control over them, and striving for no entitlement in relation to them as the sexually entitled adult that I am who struggles with pedophilia.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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