Friday, September 24, 2021

Police stop at the store: A short story

An ideal spanking ban.

A girl of age 12 was walking with her father and mother in Wal-Mart in St. Clair, Pennsylvania. She took a toy off the shelf, and snuck it off the shelf. Her father made the worst mistake of his life - he slapped his daughter. It was 2050, and spanking was banned in Pennsylvania.

A big guy with a cowboy hat, and a few others like him, started to mob the parents, tipping their shopping cart, then bludgeoning the parents. A man for each parent - sitting on them, with the third in the trio of guys calling the police

The Pennsylvania State Police at Frackville was dispatched. By this time, the whole store was mobbing the parents pretty much. The trooper was a child abuse detective. He was known in the Schuylkill County child protection community as a known pedophile, and one to admit it bluntly and in a tone-deaf manner in interrogation. Maxwell Larsen looked at the scene, nodded to the boys "Good for you. We got a nice kill here. Fresh parent kill", being righteously insensitive to the "stress" that the parents felt. The parents were arrested, and were to be arraigned in the morning.

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