Thursday, September 23, 2021

Adult sexual entitlement and the age of consent: The leftist agenda to normalize sex with children

Many people think it is pedophiles who want to normalize their condition as a valid sexual act. The reality is pedophiles have long advocated for the preservation of the age of consent, meaning under the label "anti-contact". We don't want that kind of help. We are offended as pedophiles when the left tries to cook us up some child soup.

Every single adult is guilty in relation to children, and are to be convicted of their depraved adult nature out of reverent fear and terror, leading to surrender to God through one's child. We pedophiles do that just fine, most of us that is, and the whole world should follow our model of abstinence.

There are ways that sex with children could become harmless with teenagers in particular, within our lifetime. More attached parenting values come with a setback - the girls want to keep the babies once giving birth, and are better nurturers than adolescent mothers who were spanked and punished as children, meaning punishment of babies and shaking them is an automatic reaction when raised to support such a thing. Take that away, then what incentive is there for a pedophile to stay away from sex with teenagers? God's Law, except most pedophiles individually are atheists, and hate our founding values due to their tragic religious trauma.

This is why we need clear sexual norms. They are summed up by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and means all sex outside of a same-age marriage is sexually amoral and impure, defiling usually the man, but perhaps both where both celebrate the act, condemning the fornicators to the most serious divine punishment in Hell. That's where we started out, and before then, sexual abuse rates were lower, and there were far fewer sex-positive abusers.

What we pedophiles are afraid of here at children's rights is what we see already. The remark "there must be some way for him to do it safely" is common, in a shaky, yet pitying voice. Maybe there are, but maybe when we advertise that, it is a slippery slope to other things being legalized, given the celebratory nature of the act. Or, we can just say somethings are just wrong because they are, and end the conversation then. I don't want what I want. I just like daydreaming about it.

Us pedophiles do not need to be saved in a way that gives us what we want. We want to be denied what we want, because it harms children and will always be harmful. Maybe things will get to the point where two 15-year-olds can tie the knot and then sign on the dotted line, but it will never be acceptable for a 15-year-old and a 24-year-old to do anything, even within a marriage, as the Greek root word πορνεια implies that men should marry a woman the same age or older than them, as it uplifts, in part, the customary laws of ancient Israel. We don't want what we want to be legalized, thus we don't want what we want legal, period.

The left might use my work to normalize sexual acts with children in a "healthy" way. That will never be acceptable, even if it is accepted. The Apostle Paul said in the attachment parenting manuals he handed out that fathers should channel it away from the child, actually recommending sexual fantasy as an alternative to "healthy pedophilia". 

There instead should be anti-pedophilia and anti-adult sexual entitlement educational campaigns opposing child sexual abuse and the entitlement that leads to children perceiving it from adults. Any time the child is uncomfortable due to a sexual act, it is sexual abuse. Alternatives to sexual abuse should be in the pamphlets and flyers distributed to parents and adults everywhere. Most sexual abuse is sex-positive in nature these days, and committed by preverbal abusers, usually starting at puberty. Usually, the perpetrator does not know how to bond with the child any other way, thus teach them attachment parenting methods, such as maybe holding their hand and maybe snuggling with the child's consent, while trusting children to make the call accurately. This should be coupled with the anti-spanking information. That's why my page is the one pro-pedophile page in the American children's rights movement - to educate parents on sex-critical alternatives to sexual abuse. Get it all out of your system on the bed or in the shower, not against your child. We don't need that sort of thing legalized, at all.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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