Thursday, August 26, 2021

The goal of Opposing Parental Entitlement - parent-to-parent judgment

Many parents in this country abuse children, meaning most, with 70% of adults supporting a "good, hard spanking". Many here at children's rights do not understand my goals on that subject. I don't want parents to cover for each other, but to judge each other, using the Christian family values that this country was founded upon.

It says in 1 Corinthians 5:11 KJV:
But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with one an no not to eat.

The key word here is "covetous", meaning here parental entitlement, denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to the entitled attitude of "I am the parent, and I deserve respect from my children (and everyone else as well)" leading to seeking to impose said attitude onto a child, through demanding, controlling, punitive, or sexually hateful/objectifying behaviors, leading to offense perceived by a child (Col. 3:21; Eph. 6:4). Part of admission of adult power and control is parent power and control, meaning parent privilege over children, which all parents have. Every single adult has such entitlement in relation to children, pointing to parents, and must surrender their power and control to the footstool of children, treating them as royalty.

How should a parent judge? It says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated "judge" and "judgment" is κρινο (Latin: krinó) and refers to the Law summed up in terms of righteous judgment, including factoring in the legal defenses, with core of righteous judgment being the presumption of innocence beyond a reasonable doubt, but with due suspicion "beyond what the eye can see", with the latter tenet denoted by the Greek root word οψις (Latin: opsis). True righteous judgment is materialistic and scientific in nature, and is based by the concept of "no evidence, no crime". Evidence can be your eyewitness, or the eyewitness of a credible eyewitness, namely a child in this case. Parents are to monitor each other, presuming innocence beyond a reasonable while residing side by side from each other, whilst at the same time being discerning. 

True parent judgment is righteously testing parents with questions that are intended to disprove their guilt, until their guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Doubt until you have no reason to doubt, when hearing from anyone other than the child, because that adult sounding the alarm might have a beef with the adult being called out, meaning the report might be bogus. Children never lie about abuse, even when they get the wrong adult. Doubt hysterical therapists, but trust children with their own testimony, as children are the best judges against abuser of all kinds, when they are allowed to be.

Think me as a pedophile judging you as a parent, but at the same time accepting judgment from you in return, answering the question "are you a f*cking pedophile" with a nod or "yep, I am". A children's rights adult focuses on their issues first, but then ministers to other adults in exemplary format, and then instructional once asked. I AM a pedophile, and struggle with sexual/behavioral negligence, and so I have to know not to virtue-signal to children, meaning give them whatever they want and then feel piously guilty when I have to set a limit,. I just wanted to please children, and wanted them to care for me, so I flipped the scripts and now I am to be the provider, under my Christian beliefs. These days, I just like being around children, and don't want anything else from them, because I am grateful that they exist. An adult can get to that point, even if they are physically aggressive...I like meeting them in public places such as stores, meaning their very presence is something I enjoy.

I am entitled to nothing from a child, but am grateful for any respect given by children. I am entitled to nothing but disrespect, and nothing but hate, from a child, until decided otherwise by the child. I have a depraved, entitled nature in relation to children that is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing as an adult, for everything that adults have done to children through time immemorial. Let the entitled parents BURN!


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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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