Sunday, August 29, 2021

The age of consent and the prevention of sex-positive sexual abuse - why it should be raised to 18 in PA

Age of consent reform is an upward battle, meaning the battle should always for it to be going up. The Virtuous Pedophiles organization supports age-of-consent preservation, explicitly, unlike most of our affiliates. There is a need for an age of consent.

Those who argue for "giving pedophiles what they want" are ignoring the rights of children in this regard. The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament is the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting something from a child to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child. Children have the ultimate right to overrule adults on an age of consent of 18, but so far, they haven't, except for children their own age, which was the reason for lowering the age of consent here in Pennsylvania from 18 to 16. I oppose this move, despite the child-led support, because it could open the floodgates to sex-positive abuse of children. Using children's rights resources to plan a way for the deserving pedophiles to "get what they want safely" reeks of entitlement, to say the very least, and since it would be forced down the throats of children (literally, perhaps?), it would be adult sexual entitlement, period. Most children, apart from those who have developmental disabilities, want sex with peers.

In Europe, the most common age of consent is 15, and there is a problem with sex-positive abusers. Think the tough guy riding a motorcycle through town, mounting a teenager girl on the back, and you just know there is more mounting between the two of them in bed, perhaps at a hotel somewhere. If she was just one year above 15, or maybe less, the police would have to treat any sexual assault or rape like they would an adult, meaning if she just got cold feet towards the end, there would be little the police could do about it. Same with parents with values like mine when an adult interloper just comes right in and snatches up your daughter.

The age of consent is a biblical concept. It says in 1 Corinthians 7:36 KJV:

But if any man think that he behaveth uncomely towards his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will: let them marry.

"Flower of her age" is translated by the Greek root word υπερακμος (Latin: huperakmos) and refers to the age of consent/marriage under Jewish law, which was 12 for females and 13 for boys. These ages don't matter, but instead the fact that they are aligned clearly with the ages of majority for their respective sexes, meaning the modern equivalent is an age of consent of precisely age 18 which I advocate for. The age of consent is further referenced by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to forming a false marriage with anyone but your wife as a man, meaning any sexually entitled intent perceived by another person from another person, starting from leering/menacing to rape/lust murder in terms of severity. Think perceiving eyes on you, if you are a woman, and then you understand what fornication is. The moral crime of fornication, however, covers ALL of the sex crime statutes and customary laws found in the Law, and uplifts them, summing it up as any sexual activity with another person outside of a licensed marriage, in the modern tense referring to state licensed marriages, with both officiants over age 18, as a marriage must be out of love, and true love is charity, not demanding such, in which case being a child bride in an intergenerational marriage is burdensome, hence why marriages must be between two spouses of the same age, or else the woman be older. You don't want your wife to be burdened too much, and if they are a child, they should remain such, and not have to worry about anything. An ordinary wife, in the biblical sense, should only have to worry about pleasing her husband in the bedroom and showing him earned respect for doing everything else. Wifely submission does not even necessitate love, but reverence in a way that promotes the goodness of a husband from aside, like she's his partner in crime, meaning helpmeet. Think how a teenage girl reveres her boyfriend and deifies him - it is a submission that deifies, and the husband does NOT exploit. HE is to be the provider, meaning breadwinner, and that is why we should ban all child marriages as well as loopholes for child predators.

The Greek root word translated "love" and "charity" in the Bible is αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to Christian love, meaning unconditional love in the form of being convicted of one's depraved nature in relation to one's wife as a man, leading to providing for her in a sacrificial manner just as Christ sacrificed for His Church...and with a child, you might as well cancel the wedding with this sort of love. Think about it. Can a 9-year-old be organized enough to pay bills, perhaps hold down a job (not obligated, but kind of necessary today)? Heavens, no! She's a kid. Yet she is old enough to marry in Pennsylvania. Plus, the sex part, which is mandatory in a Christian marriage to sign the contract and keep it renewed, is likely to harm her, and in most cases of child marriage, the bride has no choice in the matter - a sham to cover one's tracks in terms of committing sexual abuse, thus sweeping abuse under the rug by accepting it in another lens. I support no wedding to begin with, and the pedophile and child just being good pals, meaning best friends. We are talking an attachment parenting friendship, in the case of a restraining pedophile who is selfless enough to be a pro-social ragdoll or vending machine for the child. The selfish, entitled pedophiles are the ones who are marrying young girls.

A wife owes things back to her husband, meaning respect where respect is due, and sex where they both need it (1 Cor. 7:1-5). Child marriage is wrong because a child should owe absolutely nothing to adults. It says in Ephesians 6:1-3 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, as this is right. Honor thy father and mother, as this is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest long upon the earth.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to providing custody, or custody without returning responsibility, whereas punitive custody in marriage refers to willful submission out of reverence for a higher authority, which can be a husband. Child surrender refers to a child resting in the provisions of parents, meaning parents are safe people where children can demand their needs and benign wants, with parents then supplying the demands of a child, with children owing nothing in relation to a child, yet nonetheless showing gratitude and thanksgiving by listening and heeding the voice of parents, out of reassurance and familiarity and not fear of punishment, then emulating the good, loving, disciplined example of parents in the Lord. Children owe nothing in relation to parents, meaning nothing to parents, which cannot stand in a marriage, as a wife owes her husband sexual duties reciprocated from him, and respect as earned by the providence of the husband.

The concept of the age of majority is a power of attorney, meaning children, due to developmental immaturity, are deemed legally incompetent by default, until reaching a certain age where they can make legal decisions for themselves, and this includes everything that would make a child mobile. It is easy for a guardian to exploit their charge once they are in a sexual relationship with them - it's called quid pro quo. Also, there is a reason for even the laws we already have on child marriage (which aren't enough - it shouldn't exist), which is that adolescent children are extremely labile in terms of peer crushes, meaning in and out of relationships real fast, and this is due to the hormonal instability of puberty, which only settles down when individuals reach their early to mid-20s, according to brain research.

I strongly believe in banning sex outside of marriage because otherwise, some issues are hard to explain. What would happen if a completely non-entitled adult would have sex with a child? Scared on the first try, then stuck on her, and then she's tethered down. I just couldn't let go, even though I am supposed to demand nothing from children. She would want to let go, as she'd get tired of me. Rape would be when the hypothetical 16-17 year old child wanted found someone else, and I couldn't accept it. Sexuality is a powerful thing, and thus it should be relegated to a marriage between two peers. In the Early Church, fornication was seen as any sexual contact with another outside of marriage, and was prosecuted by way of pro-social rumor, meaning people slowly avoided the pervert, but at a rate that he'd confess and flee fornication early if he was repentant, but would throw a temper tantrum once he realized he was out of his church, in which case the excommunication would have been final, and the shun would deem him unclean until the even. Sexual relations with children of any age was seen as creating a child marriage where none exists, as none is acceptable with a child in the Bible. No child under the age of majority was allowed to marry, and marriage past the age of majority involved courtship traditions, but parents negotiating overhead, meaning the young man needed to get the father's blessing and get his parents involved, so that she could be handed over. Today, much of that doesn't apply, but maybe I'd prefer the father's blessing if I were a father, but I would listen to my daughter's wishes or else blame the boyfriend for being a loser and maybe a misogynistic abuser (we wouldn't like those for our daughter).

Things today are becoming too sex-positive. Just ask any social worker in Europe what a low age of consent is doing to them. I'm not afraid of pedophiles lowering the ages either, as the pedophile lobby has gained ground, and we pedophiles don't want to be patronized by false promises such as sex with children being legalized, when we care about children and want them to feel safe, and sex takes all that away. I am worried about people speaking on our behalf and speaking over us, thinking we are "ingrates" for "not wanting the solution they are given". Most pedophiles are getting more than what they want, in an insensitive wat to pedophiles - we just want to be listened to, and have our struggles validated. That's all we want, and any other legal proposals we make you don't have to support. We want compassionate empathy for our struggle.

We have too many things legal already, even for children with adults. It's time to purge the land. Yes, you can wait until marriage, as I can't even have who I want to marry, and I'm just fine with that. Men these days need to learn to keep it in their pants. You wonder why women feel pressured to have abortions - men create kids in women, and then feel too threatened to take care of them. I blame the man in these cases, and see the woman as the victim alongside her preborn child, as was the case in the Early Church. This is why we have age of consent laws, and we need more of them. Our sexual mores are falling apart, and the lines are getting blurred. Let's bring back sexual purity now!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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