Monday, August 23, 2021

Rebellion against adults - The next step of Opposing Parental Entitlement

What is parental entitlement expressed as in public? Adult power and control. Adult tyranny. Adult hegemony. Adult enslavement. Enslave adults again. Allow children seize adults for their own good, and allow them to be angry at adult-kind and our sins against them. Being is an adult is like the American Revolution in reverse, in remorseful format - you sign the peace treaty at Sanatoga on behalf of the King, but don't try to come back to fight a war in 1812 (or 1811 to be more historically accurate). Children's rights to me is a form of youth rights, where children rebel, and I surrender to their rebellion, only in a country like this, it happens in the reverse. Lay down your arms, dear parents and adults, and give up the fight with your children. I usually say this in religious terms as to my Christian faith, because this is a religious issue, and most parents especially rely on religious doctrine to guide their attitude towards children, and that will never change...I am my abuser, meaning an adult, and so I am hard on myself like I wanted my abuser to be for me.

Every single adult is guilty for merely existing in relation to their children, and is to be convicted of their hateful and entitled non-existence, leading to surrender to God through one's child, and submission to children as their enemy, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with adults surrendering to children as to God, knowing nothing about what it is like to be a child, charring oneself as the depraved and entitled adult that you are that is deserving of God's wrath, unlike children who have done no wrong, leading to giving up the fight, and surrender all adult power and control to children, giving up the fight, laying down your arms.

This means shutting up and allowing children to speak on key issues such as the age of consent. I have it at 18, but the children can change it at anytime. I myself avoid sex outside of marriage, and prefer an age of consent/marriage of 18, but childhood is about freedom and running around. Children rarely have strong opinions on such issues unless they are pedophiles themselves, in which case they'd get a lecture from me once they voiced an opposition to the age of consent - that one child cannot decide it for the rest. I just hear them out as an advocate. I care about the opinions of children, and they are more compelling than adult opinions. Some are misguided by their immaturity and/or Stockholm syndrome for an abuser, but you hear them out.

It says in 1 Corinthians 5:11 KJV:

But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or a railer, or an extortioner; with one as one no not to eat.

The key word in that list is "covetous" and is translated by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers here to parental entitlement, meaning adult/parent entitlement once identified as such labels. This should be a personal struggle for all adults, but when one adult is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, do not enable them with your association, and shun them until the even, meaning until they either repent or take steps towards such by not speaking about children's rights issues. But, you, the children's rights adult, must work on your issues as well, and presume innocence. We all have issues in relation to children. Children have the right to judge their abusive parents or other abuser under this commandment, and condemn them to Hell, by showing emotional signs of abuse, perhaps to a bystander, or to God. "No evidence, no crime", however, meaning if you don't see it, and there is no evidence or witnesses for it, it isn't there, in all fairness to parents and adults who deserve due process under the Law.

Children's Rights is an ever-expanding compound, now including even pedophiles who admit their trauma, judging the parents of the world who identify by their entitlement and abuse. The idea is to sweep the deck free of the scum that is parental entitlement, meaning we pedophiles have surrendered to the children we love and care about. Parents are next...

Don't call yourself a parent to me. Identify otherwise, because I know you are one when you are screaming at your toddler in the store who should rest in your bosom, not sit isolated in a child seat in a shopping card. You shall burn in eternal Hell-fire! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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