Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Children self-protect, and adults abstain (the biblical order of the family, in terms of child protection)

Many parents believe in protecting children, meaning maybe getting a gun and protecting their "defenseless" child from harm. Children are vulnerable, but they aren't defenseless, especially older children and teens. You can teach children as young as 11 or 12 how to use a shotgun, and then they can hide it under their bed in the case of any threats.

Children self-protect and adults abstain are two children's rights acronyms that involve an equal relationship between adults and children. This model was first tried with keeping children safe around pedophiles by allowing children to feel their instincts, and not question them, leading them to being able to set boundaries with a pedophile, and self-report their abuse. 

But first, adults must abstain, and that means Christian love for children. Christian love for a child is a parent being convicted, out of reverent fear, to surrender to God through their children, surrendering all adult power and control to their footstool, protecting them from your own flaws as a parent as if they are royalty. Reverent fear is denoted by the Greek root word ψοβός (Latin: phobos) and refers to parental fear of one's own aggressive instincts in relation to children, leading to the parent being broken down to tearful conviction that they have wronged their child, leading to surrender to the child, giving up the fight, knowing your child knows best about their needs, even if they can't express it, even if they express their needs irrationally and perhaps even with blows, loving your child unconditionally for their flaws and not despite, doing good works in relation to your child's every need, starting with oneself and one's abusive, aggressive instincts being turned inwards, being struck by the fury and wrath of God on behalf of children, through your child's cries and pleas for the abuse to stop. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to another form of surrender, meaning one of running to parents and surrendering everything about oneself to parents, sharing everything, making parents confidants, being completely oneself in relation to parents, owing absolutely nothing in return to parents, yet nonetheless showing gratitude for their good works and good graces towards you by hearing their voice, understanding based on developmental capacity, leading to obedience based not on fear of a parent's voice, but reassurance and familiarity with the child's voice, with the voice of parents carrying that gentle pull to get you to do what is right, knowing you will never be punished for everything. The Greek root word translated " anger" refers to ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the offenses in the legal context of the Bible, meaning the torts and damages under the Eighth Commandment, which prohibit assault and battery against a child, including as kidnapping in the case of punishing children (see Deut. 24:7, Exod. 21:16, esp. "in his hand"). In the New Testament, all this context is summed up to the slightest of offense perceived by the child, coming from the entitled behavior of adults, meaning any entitlement that a child perceived as directed against their person, meaning if a child feels controlled or punished, they have the right to speak out and set the adult straight. Kidnapping was a moral crime under the church ordinances of the Early Christian church, and since it was a capital offense in the Old Testament, it was a collective offense and the whole church community excommunicated and shunned the abusive parent, sticking with the non-abusive one. It was a specific sensory perception of a child - being held in an iron grasp.

Children ruled from beneath in ancient Israel and adjoining churches, meaning children were outspoken about their needs, at their own level, and were very important people to their parents, and pro-social deification was a common parenting attitude towards children, meaning no Hebrew parent then would ever even think of punishing a child. Children were extensions of God to their parents, in a way nobody else would understand, held high above their parents, worshipped in a pro-social manner by their every need being doted on. Children were technically submissive under the law, known as providing custody, but were idolized by their mothers and fathers as even as much as a guide as to where to move to on moving day, meaning children were put first. Children first, parents last.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive or permissive behavior will not inherit the Kingdom of God! They will instead be cast into the ever-burning lake of fire and burning sulfur, prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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