Saturday, July 3, 2021

The organization of my religious beliefs/expression

 Many people believe here at children's rights believe things about my religious beliefs that aren't true. Others have been told I speak in levels about my Christian convictions here, whereas I do not. I use "honesty" gaslighting, meaning what you see here is what you get, and for good reason - when you confuse others about your beliefs like that, and you are a pedophile, people tend to think you are lying about everything.

There are two commands to my Christian faith applicable today, love God and love your neighbor, and if you have mastered those two commandments, you have mastered all of them, by my assumption, and are saved. If you are an atheist, loving your neighbor will be counted as loving God by me as a judge.

I express religious views based on how I feel they are relevant, meaning I am simply honest about what beliefs I do have, and the ones I don't share aren't relevant.

Many are afraid of being shunned, and so I now show you the biblical verse in 1 Corinthians 5:11 KJV that tells me what parents I shun:

But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

In real life, I am very quiet about my judgments. The most important of these counts is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting things from others to the point of seeking to impose said want onto an individual, as perceived by the victim as theft/abuse. All the other counts here stem from entitlement and/or are a different variation of entitlement.

If you do not see yourself on this list when presenting to me directly, as confessor testimony, you have nothing to worry about. I judge fornicators, but I have different priorities, meaning if you post to me a post bragging about a sex party you went to, goodbye, you've lost a friend, as I know too much about you. Generally, I use this command to both keep my own safety and sanity by "disconnecting with love" by giving tough love to a once trusted person, by not enabling them, using pro-social alienation. This means I've shut the door on you. You can burden someone with your trauma, and you can't even catch a breath of fresh air because they breathe for you, down your neck. Thankfully these are only a few people here.

Instead of viewing religion in levels, there are two views of a network of views, meaning jaded lines that work together in unison to create a legal system, and legal understanding of such. The jaded lines expand towards the perpetrator, with the tick tick being the many ways questions I ask them, with them getting defensive, showing their true colors, and then you pitch them into the trash at then. It is open interrogation, where they know they are being trailed, have every chance to take ownership of their misdeeds or else answer to the court that I've got the wrong guy, and you are given every time to be honest instead of fighting me, but at the end, you are convicted and slapped with charges as Divine Prosecution of your evil and entitled ways. 

Unless you know my beliefs, you can't assume what they are. I go by the whole Bible, solely in its Hebraic context. I am a Christian nihilist. I hearken only to God and His Laws, with all false authority contradicting His Divine Jurisprudence non-existent, such as the "reasonable chastisement" defense. That means I only go by the Bible for moral guidance, as written to its context. Fundamentalism simply is another name for Christian nihilism, meaning fundamentalism is very nihilistic. But, since the child is His extension, as an advocate I am beholden to the representation of children, with nobody else mattering but them as an advocate, with the rest of the world hating them, and me standing by them as an advocate, in affinity and alliance format.

Asking questions about my religious beliefs is always okay, if you are unsure. Note however that I won't answer if you seem to be taking me down a gaslighting train of abusive deconstruction tactics, with "abusive" meaning that you are barking up the wrong tree.

Hiding a religious narcissist is a sin to me, depending on why you hide it. If it is to escape persecution, so be it, but don't flash it to gaslight people. I simply have an anger pocket in my brain that I can pull out or leave as is - it is a peacekeeping anger at pro-spanking parents that I usually don't express to their face, but behind their back.

I hate pro-spanking Christians as well, but for a different reason - they don't even follow the Bible as it says in context, whereas most conservative Christians do care about the biblical context about topics other than parenting or children's issues. Thus, once they show their true colors to me, I shun them from my church, after presuming innocence beyond a reasonable doubt.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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