Saturday, July 17, 2021

Quick pedophile profiling - How I profile pedophiles (victim profiling)

Many people don't know what a pedophile is. It is not a medical excuse for abuse. It is a mental illness, period, and the more we focus on the criminal aspect, the further we stray from preventing abuse in the future. Pedophiles, when you know what pedophilia is, are not that hard to spot. Even non-offending ones.

There are two classes that I see pedophiles in, true and false. True in the modern context, false in the ancient. Only the true pedophiles are labeled in present tense, and there is a remedy for them - pro-social fantasy, meaning fantasizing about children instead of having sex with them in real life. False pedophiles are false to the point of non-existence, meaning we call them out by their most popular sign demanding free sympathy, parents. Yep, those are the abusers, once they come up from the muck. 

It says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated "judge" and "judgment" is κρινο (Latin: krino) and refers to the presumption of innocence beyond a reasonable doubt, with due suspicion denoted by the Greek root word οψίς (Latin: opsis) and refers to "beyond what the eye can see", regarding evil, but at the same time seeing the words "parent" and "adult" as abuser titles, and professions delineating from "adult", with the pedophiles only coming out upon submission to treatment or peer support, or else only existing to themselves. When you say "I am a pedophile" to me, I would be shocked in a sad way, meaning "Oh, I didn't know that". It is something that I see as sad from a distance, and up close on VirPed, pathological in a normal way, meaning at the end its just like any label. Say "I abused a child" to me, and tell me you made a mistake, and mean it by my perception, and you're good. If you defend it, you see a whole other side of me. Viper for the entitled sexual deviants, AND I WILL F*CKING KILL THEM DESTROY THEM BURN THEM UP ALL THAT! Kill sexual predators, all f*cking day! ALL F*CKING DAY! They usually are pro-spanking parents on the surface. They are just too tasty, so I save them for dessert. Strangulate them and DRAW BLOOD! That's how much I hate child molesters.

A true pedophile is one that avoids one key biblical Greek word in the Bible, πλεονεκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers here to the attitude of "I am the parent/adult, and he/she is the student..." leading to wanting things from children to the point of seeking to impose said want onto children, leading to offense taken by the child and/or a parent/guardian. A predatory pedophile is a sexually entitled adult, and they will find any excuse in the religious or historical handbook for their vile and damned sexual acts towards children.

Most pedophiles have autism, but perhaps aren't aware of it or don't identify by it on their spaces, but most people with autism do not like to be around children, meaning they hate children, admit it, and avoid them because "they are noisy" or "they run around too much". Most adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are like me in that they may appear tired and/or stoic, but would brush a child away. A pedophile like me with autism would light up reverently when a child came to us for love and attention, and they'd reel it out of me, and then I'd go with them wherever they wanted to go, and let them treat me like a pro-social ragdoll that they show to everybody. That's all I am to them, so why not objectify myself like that? I can't get angry, ever. I just can't. I just can't. I just can't. I'm just tired by the end of the day, and sleep well the following night. It's like they are reverent figures, with me seeing them reverently for their vulnerability, and being attracted to them. They order me around, and I obey. I just have to remember to say "no" once and a while. That's the most assertive I can be with a child...Picture the tired stoicism associated with autism, but "whatever", leading to a child dragging you around everywhere, with you just feeling at ease. It is a form of submission to children, that is child acceptance at the lowest level, and I might not have perfected it if children's rights hadn't found me.

There are two types of pedophiles. Entitled, and non-entitled. I usually don't profile pedophiles alone, however, and lump the abuser pedophiles in with the other abusers, and let the victims, meaning non-entitled pedophiles, stand out, The rest identify themselves as parents instead, and will be destroyed.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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