Tuesday, June 22, 2021

"Coming out" for pedophiles: How to be supportive of your pedophilic child

This week, a NFL football player comes out as gay. Many non-offending pedophiles draw comparison with the LGBTQ community, saying they have a sexual orientation that is "just like being gay". It isn't. I'm not gay myself, but many who are gay or lesbian are insulted by the comparison between pedophilia and homosexuality. There are clear contrasts between being a pedophile and being gay, with the first and most blatant being that pedophilia takes you nowhere in life but down, if embraced to its fullest. It is an abusive tendency that, if left unbridled, can lead to the abuse of a child. The point is that most pedophiles DON'T act on those tendencies, and never will. "Never will" means the fact that they "will" is their worst fear, meaning the mere existence of that possibility is scary to them to the point of panic attacks

Pedophile pride is a form of anti-contact gaslighting. No pedophile is truly proud to be one. Comfortable in one's own skin? Absolutely. We are just very good at thought amplification, meaning we might be able to appear prideful when we really are like "really, don't you frickin' get it, people". 

Pedophiles don't want to be praised for their disorder or sexuality, but need a listening ear. They want listening and validation, using the other person as a soundboard to reflect how they feel right back to them. Pedophilia exists on the level of trauma from childhood abuse, and thus is an integral part of my trauma and why my anti-spanking trauma expresses itself on the level of a sexual trauma.

Pedophilia is not a good thing, and most parents know that. Parents should know that if they think their child is hiding such a secret from them, to STOP PUNISHING AT ALL. That means no punishment of the child, to the point where they just open up, then parents are to say "I'm here to listen, and you can tell me anything". Pedophilic children tend only to disclose their condition in home setting like that. Why? The worst fear of any pedophile disclosing is punishment and/or rejection, and when we don't punish children, and allow them to tell parents whatever is on their minds, those thoughts would come out, and the parents usually admit they don't get it. Take "get it" as in shrugged shoulders, not despair. It's a joke pedophile in most cases to gentle parents, meaning the odd remark of "that girl was hot" or "that girl is so attractive" and the parent just rolls their eyes. But, if I were to choose to abuse a child, meaning commit something along the lines of sexual assault or rape, she'd be fuming mad, meaning on the antisocial level. She's happy I am working on those issues, but speaks to me on the issue in a distant yet warm form of pro-social callousness, meaning not callous towards the individual but towards the disorder itself, being reassuring that manner of callousness. Pro-social callousness shows your privilege and distance over your child/pedophile. Think listening in a way that says you don't live their life, and never will hold the pedophilic perspective, so take a step back and learn about what pedophilia actually is instead. Autism awareness advocates recommend a similar form of pro-social callousness - drop all assumptions about the pedophile you are raising, meaning drop all media assumptions especially about the condition  Let your child tell you what it is like to be a pedophile. Usually, like in my case, this brings parent and child closer together. 

"Callousness" refers to the parent's lack of effusive emotion or praise, and for a pedophile with pro-social traits, this sort of sensitivity shows that you don't want anything from me. The other person listens warmly, but while non-verbally setting a boundary, meaning it is conditional acceptance of your pedophilic child, with the trust that they won't abuse a child behind your back, and that from that point on you will feel safe telling parents everything about the disorder, and parents are then to listen. The less you punish a child, the more they share. It says in Colossians 3:20 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord.

This is actually a commandment for parents, not children. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents, to the degree that children can tell their parents anything, or be anything, and parents won't punish you, instead allowing a pedophilic child to discuss all matters of the condition with them. The more they talk to parents, the deeper the bond between parent and child.

No, parents, it is not similar to being gay for you as a parent. The reason organizations such as Virtuous Pedophiles talk about it as such is due to the permanent and lifelong nature of the condition, meaning there is no cure for any sexual attraction, including pedophilia. This "cure" stigma doesn't come from trauma survivors, but the false teachers and spinsters in the pro-spanking lobby that we hate.

Pedophilia is a mental health label denoting adult sexual entitlement, when directed towards a child. It is a disorder because of where it is pointed - at a child. Some teens need more guidance as to what is abuse and what isn't. I am pro-pedophile only in the sense that pedophiles have the patients' right to disclose their condition to any mental health professional when they deem it necessary.

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