Saturday, May 15, 2021

Time-out redefined: Why children should not be put in time-out

There are many parents who don't spank, and use alternate methods, namely time-out. About 20% of the American population does not support corporal punishment as a means of disciplining a child. Also, many authoritative homes use time-out and spanking intermittently, alongside other "non-violent punishments". 

Time-out generally is known as a form of false imprisonment of the child, with the parent acting as the police, handing out penalties for misbehaviors. I myself was sent to time-out more than I was spanked, as a child. Time-out is often thought of as an alternative for spanking. Depends who is taking the time out? The child or the parent. The parent is the one who really needs the time-out.

It says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV:
Abstain from all appearance of evil.

The Greek root word translated "appearance" is εἶδος (Latin: eidos) and literally translates to a different type of appearance, meaning when evil appears to you - avoid even the opportunity for evil to appear to you, to tempt you and lead you astray as an adult. This can mean walking away from a defiant child who won't listen, and saying "I need a break". 

Parent anger is an evil, wicked force that is intent on controlling and domineering children, conflating them with the parent's own needs. The idea is to stifle that anger, and possibly take it out elsewhere. Vent to a spouse or friend about your child, or document your anger on a Word spreadsheet. Generally, however, base anger should be left to flow by, and angry thoughts of hurting children ignored, and allowed to flutter by.

Some parents may have it easy in terms of capacity to control anger, but may struggle with parent sexual entitlement, in which case the idea is NOT to suppress or hide those thoughts, but to let them flow right by, to the point where they are just a curiosity. Sexual fantasy as a way to blow off steam is not a sin, as the Greek root word παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers only to sexual or indecent actions outside of marriage that can be judged by a fellow believer, and are perceived as directed towards another person. Most assaults happen when the adult represses their sex drive, and may think "God" or some religious entity "cured my original sin". The idea, however, is not to be overly sex-positive about it and rationalize that it can be acted on in a prideful manner, even in a future context. Most pedophiles in society don't think sex with children will ever be legalized. Most sexual predators were not sex-positive, however, and repressed their "kid crush" on their child for years, and then it came out as a singular, violent assault on the child. If they knew of a time and a place to unload that baggage, it would not come out on the child. Some parents are permissive, and simply have poor social skills, leading to them misusing children's rights ideas to be antisocial "friends" with their child. I myself might fit the latter category if I am not careful. The way this movement can help is remotely, by continuing to tell me about how children develop, and then I come to my own conclusions about child sexuality. My understanding is that, in relation to me from a child, a young girl would want to be noticed as "pretty" in which case, yes, she is! Sometimes, parents notice their child that way, in which case time-out is an option for them, and sexual fantasy with the door closed, and the child outside the door, and no online images without the child's view. Talking to children about fantasies and attractions towards them at all is a no-no. I am on a no-speech diet in relation to children, meaning I am not to speak to a child unless spoken to by them, and otherwise must shut up, and be shamefaced and humble before them, allowing them to be proud and exuberant, as is their liberated role for being kept down for so long.

Parent aggression can be angry and/or sexual in nature. Many times, just taking a break for a few minutes will allow for more patience with a child. Sin, in a parent, means imperfection in this context. You have sinful drives by seeking to control a child instead of teach them. Parents who embrace these sinful drives will burn in Hell! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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