Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How I gaslight for prejudicial pedophiles

 I am all for pedophile acceptance, meaning accepting the individual despite their pedophilia. Most pedophiles will never abuse children, while we are all guilty of such capacity as adults. Most abusive pedophiles are prejudicial pedophiles, meaning they abuse pedophiles on the side, as a way to "promote my good name". I hate prejudicial pedophiles, and they are the only ones I prey on as a vigilante.

Christ says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not by the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated "judge" and "judgment" is κρινο (Latin: krino) and refers to righteous judgment based on the presumption of innocence beyond a reasonable doubt, knowing there is "more than what the eye can see", but sticking to the evidence at hand. A comment on my page appears friendly, but is it really? You have to go on the assumption that they mean well, but then ask questions, knowing that abuse can exist anywhere, and many people are not who they say they are, as every person and every home has secrets to hide. I don't trust anyone, really, except I do trust my mother and family and friends, but in the back of my mind, I know every human being is capable of abuse, myself included.

I use "welcome" gaslighting, and take a risk. We have two downstairs marked for deletion, and I had both as friends on my page. I am a Millennial of age 24, so the days of the "big three" all over the news are a distant memory. My ignorance of who Jonathan and Blake are dated myself as a young guy nonetheless. 

I welcome to my page, and test the heck out of them. I am already out, so I am not afraid of a bit of rumor going around. I warn them once that their comment was hateful, I warn them twice that their comment was hateful. There are no set amount of limits, making the ban a surprise, yet not so much of a surprise if I were wrong about them, and they weren't prejudicial pedophiles.

If they leave at any point beforehand, depending on the notice of their departure, they can be judged as innocent or guilty, meaning if they leave suddenly and hastily, in a way that shows evasiveness, they are pronounced guilty of perjury, and all the crimes they admit to linking backward in linear succession, and they must admit to all of them, and apologize for all of them, to be allowed back into God's Church, which means children's rights in this context, as when I ban you on these grounds, that starts in motion a trail in which you will be excommunicated from God's Church which is children's rights.

Oftentimes, if you allow it, they half-admit to being an abuser, in which case I capture a screenshot of the admissions, maybe start a private group for those images, and then when there is enough proof of wrongdoing, by my standard and thus God's, the abuser of pedophiles is banned, and the hope is for a collective ban.

The questions I start out with assume the individual is a survivor. A survivor is simply concerned about me being their abuser, or the abuser of their children, and otherwise knows that pedophiles can choose not to abuse. Most have never met such an individual. Generally, when they say they hate pedophiles, I ask what they mean by "pedophiles", and they say "abusers" generally. I then point out that "some of us pedophiles don't offend" and then they are relieved. It is a dance that discerns your identity from an abusers' identity, by being the victim that you tested as, and embracing that role...That is the dance to introduce yourself to survivors. Simply identify yourself as a clinical pedophile, and distance yourself from a criminal one, and most here will know exactly what you mean

It is otherwise a list of questions, intended to clarify the intent of the perpetrator, through many ways gaslighting. The questioned are designed on the spot to either get a guilty or innocent response, depending on your level as such, playing into your emotions, perhaps bringing up old haunts in terms of past sexual offenses against children or women that I know about, but hide in the back of my head. When you refuse to answer my questions, know that you admit to perjury by way of evasiveness. If you have nothing to hide or show, you have nothing to worry about. The exchange is two sided, and with enough proof, you prove as guilty of perjorious attitudes, as the questions are intentionally made in an open-ended manner so that the see-saw could go either way, depending on the objective facts alone. My righteous judgment is based on pro-social fairness, not any spoils system. I believe in an elect, but an individual member might not be the saint they present as due to an entitlement or moral crime of theirs, so then we trash them.

If you are a woman, and are open about your trauma, and simply wanted abuse to stop as a child, you aren't a threat. But, if you have abused a child, and project it onto me, because I am a pedophile, that is perjury, at least in individual format, as the function of perjury is to project moral crimes and entitlement away from the perpetrator by constructing another one. Most people in this community are not a threat. It is people outside of this community, namely strangers you run into at the supermarket, the woman at the card reader shouting at her children from 3 different men - we want to nab those low life scum for an existing charge, which is spanking, which is corporal punishment, which is physical abuse excused by the law, for WE are children's rights, and WE will remove your parental rights to punish your child in due time. You dump your sin guilt onto me, dear pro-spanking parents, when YOU orchestrate the abuse, not pedophiles.

Appropriate anger at an abusive pedophile waits until the end to show itself, and otherwise simply collects investigation, is rational in nature, and keeps in mind that non-offending pedophiles exist. Inappropriate, abusive anger towards pedophiles is shaky, unstable, and reactionary in nature, or else seeks to control the pedophile for abusive reasons, meaning any reason other than the immediate prevention of abuse.

Let the prejudicial pedophiles BURN! I AM an abusive pedophile, in reformatory format, and I choose not to abuse a child, and I am proud of my choice. What about you, dear pro-spanking parent? I can tell you use the same kind of entitlement I would, and if you don't get what I mean, you aren't one of us...yet. Repent, you entitled parents, or face the fury of the wrath of God, burning in eternal Hell-fire for all eternity. Most people who truly hate pedophiles also hate children, because a pedophile is a vulnerable child with reverent trauma. We are that immature and susceptible to abuse. The pedophiles of the world are turning themselves into the children, and admitting their privilege, over them here in the United States. Who is next to pro-social oppress? Parents, meaning all who identify by their entitlement or abuse with a glorified title.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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