Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Understanding the concept of responsible mental illness in relation to pedophilia

Many people hate pedophiles, and the number one reason that people hate pedophiles in the United States, contrary to myth, is not "because they hurt children", but because "they can't help it", which society pins on pedophiles as a show of sorts, that reassures them that they are not part of the looming threat that is adults as a population in this country. Every single adult in this country is guilty, in a collective yet individual way, and should take personal responsibility for their risk. 

Most people think pedophilia is a dependent mental illness in all cases. In most cases, it is not, meaning it is not reliant on a "lock and key" like you hear in vigilante stories. Most pedophiles don't need someone constantly micromanaging their life. Some pedophiles find someone to submit to in that regard, but many of us don't need any care apart from an outpatient therapist concerning our condition.

Pedophilia is a responsible mental illness in the majority of cases. 3 out of 4 pedophiles do not sexually abuse children. There are indeed very evil pedophiles out there. They are irrelevant to anything while being lumped in with pedophilia because they are hidden within a large person, usually a powerful man, and he doesn't think he needs help with that sex addiction, and he imposes that fornicator on countless children. Unless he is motivated to change himself, he should wholly be treated as a criminal and an abuser, and punished to the furthest extent of the law. Most pedophiles aren't like that stereotypical, entitled guy, but can easily be lumped in with him. They may have a hatred of parents, but with that being "parent" trauma of the universal sort. 

Most pedophiles are psychology narcissists, in terms of profiling, meaning they are the guy that doesn't hang around adults much, is introverted except for the fact that he may like the occasional company of children, perhaps on lunch break at his position as the family court judge. When you see a mix of legal mind and permissive attitudes towards parenting, think pedophile. The sin nature of pedophilic adults is naturally permissive in nature, but can easily be formed into an attachment parent, if the entitlement is centered in the right way. If it is centered in the right way, attraction to any children would be low-level and merely connotational, meaning easy to brush off. Once you get talking to the child, and getting to know what they need, all that becomes unimportant.

Pedophilia is an autistic trait, meaning associated with the greater autistic continuum of genes, and the forms of autism it is associated with seem to be the "rule boy" type, meaning the litigious type to fixate on systems of laws, rules, and regulations, both secular and religious in nature. It is conveniently easier, with this nature, just to turn your parental protective instincts inward, after alarming yourself of a danger that exists within oneself towards a child, then avoiding anything that could lead to risk of harm to a child, until avoidance of harm becomes a habit.

The problem is that outside of anti-spanking circles, there is actually doubt as to whether an adult can control their anger to avoid spanking a child, let alone sexually assaulting or raping a child. Many parent lobbyists and groups say that gentle parenting groups are "cults" and "too hard on young mothers". Now, the gentle parenting community in the United States is observing a pedophile who is turning on themselves like gentle parenting mothers of old did, and this pedophile seems to need the old fashioned hourglass treatment. Yes, most non-offending pedophiles do, in fact, purge themselves with the hourglass treatment, meaning purge their sexually entitled adult attitudes. If a pedophile can do it, anyone can, right?

I believe the nature of adults in relation to children is inherently sinful, meaning depraved. Why? Every parent towards a child has a thread of aggression. Some are physical in terms of their controlling nature, and some are sexual. The goal of a pedophile, evolutionary wise, is trauma bonding - nothing to brag or boast about. However, even the most wicked of traits can be turned around into adaptive traits. If you are a reformatory pedophile, you can see on the level of a child, and have an edge in relating to them. You also know instinctively that not even "healthy" sexual relations with a child are acceptable. It is a yearning to do right, the Holy Spirit, telling you that you just know that all sex with children is wrong.

Pedophilia is obviously a bad thing, but it is one of many bad things that hurt children, and shouldn't be seen in a box as a singular issue. Pedophilia only affects about 1-2% of the male population in North America, whereas 94% of parents punish their children physically, and around a third of those parents likely cross into abuse territory, and you can imagine that, in those sleazy homes, with those sleazy parents, there might have been one or two, or maybe more, sexual assaults or rapes committed by a parent during times of extreme stress. Yes, "stress" is one of those lame excuses for all levels of child abuse, so why treat certain groups with favoritism. Anyone who chooses to abuse a child is a monster, particularly if they defend it. Anyone who chooses not to just has commonsense - something most adults do not have. Abuse does not come in a vacuum, and there are better ways to identify sexual abuser, or other abusers, than "pedophile hunting". Pedophiles usually only identify when they want help, and when they don't want help, they are on their own, as far as I am concerned as an advocate. If they are being adamant to me about their "abusers' rights" to me, meaning literally defending a right to abuse a child, I'm just dropping the conversation and possibly warning others, not coddling this guy with interventions. I'd tell him to stop identifying as a pedophile in the course of his abuse, as many of us need that word to get by in the mental health system. Most of the time, however, I'd be the one being accused of pedophilia, and I'd calmly accept it, not caring one bit that I'd just make the abuser blow up and show everything about them that they want hidden, like I want nothing hidden in that was as an entitled adult in relation to children.

A responsible mental illness, in the realm of primary prevention of child abuse, is one where the adult charges themselves with the responsibility of not hurting children, and works on it. Pedophilia is a low level disorder that you are aware yet not aware constantly, meaning it is always there in the background. The key to healing is ideological construction/deconstruction, meaning having a set of beliefs that help you not abuse children. This is very similar to treatments for PTSD, C-PTSD, BPD, and other trauma-related conditions. Pedophilia itself is a trauma-related condition itself due to the fact that it is a thread all of its own. Most traumatic threads in childhood trauma are physical in terms of aggressive output. A pedophile exists when it is sexual in output instead. Thus, ordinary trauma-based solutions for parents also work for pedophile parents. Thus, abusers are even more responsible than they are given blame for now, meaning sexual assaults and rapes against children are motivated in the same way as with adults. You might be drunk, and alone with a child, and lose sight of boundaries. But, what if we just put the beer down and didn't drink one drop, and what if we respected the child's boundaries instead of sexually objectifying her. What if we left the area, and went to a more open area of the house for accountability, reminding yourself that your phone is with you, and the police could tap that. What if I told you there are pedophiles out there that responsible? Yes, and so should other adults, as that is commonsense.

We are now moving on from pedophiles, in terms of spotting abusers, here at children's rights. I look for parents, meaning the ones that are entitled and battle you in the text, just while reading it. Those are the ones abusing. Look on the surface, then down. You'll find it, or at least something that leads to it.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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