Monday, April 19, 2021

Why I disagree repectfully with my one psychiatric assistant

 Hillary has been practicing as my psychiatrist for the past several years. I had an interesting airborne conversation with her about those with autism who are put in police custody. She seems to conflate the police and children's rights - not the same, at all. They hate us, is what I say, and many here say the reverse.

Not everyone here who broke in as a pedophile was autistic. Many of them were thugs, and may have falsified an autism diagnosis. Others here were groomed by a faction of the movement we call "the peacekeepers". Peacekeepers tend to love "autistic blood". We are not a peacekeeper movement, but a counter-peacekeeper movement on behalf of children.

One compelling point she made is about the suffocation "snorkel" tactic that the police use, and I agree with her, but so do a lot of people here. A lot of people are worried that I am dead right now, which won't be the case, since I value my life. There is no "kamakaze" acronym I go by. I must value my life as a Christian, because others value it, and value me. If I take myself away, I commit a form of larceny called self-murder - and larceny because it takes me away from everyone else, as a form of stealing, just as if I murdered anyone else that they cared about. Some of them had that acronym in use, and that was taken advantage of.

Much of what she states are actually valid points, but that can be attributed to the police directly. Children's rights to me is youth rights understated, meaning making the choice to acknowledge how you might harm a child, and work on it. This can include things such as working on anger when dealing with children, or, in my case, guarding both ones gaze and advances. I see this movement as a self-improvement center. with trauma as a bias.

I didn't test as a narcissist, and I could tell by how I came into the movement - very civil. If you are opposing everyone in the movement, in any movement, expect to be kicked out. I think we should do it more humanely, recognize the autism link, and use clear legal English, in legal format, telling them clearly and leaving no doubt as to what is expected, and if they are still disruptive, remove them from the group by way of collective ban...Many with autism aren't nice people as adults, and it is within the realm of possibility for someone with that condition to support lowering or eliminating the age of consent (as I once did). They want everything to be equal, even when equality isn't possible. I get that type of autism, but a lot of people with lump you in with the worst scum of the earth - and you become that even with autism if you defend abusing a child.

I believe in equal responsibility with pedophiles in general, since all are coddled by the justice system. Just pick them up, interrogate them, try them, then lock them up for good - for life, with no protective custody. Even with autism. It's called pro-social cruelty. Some with autism can actually care more about others than themselves, and they learn to do so. We teach ourselves, often with guidance from religion or ethics, with my Christian faith centering me. Why hire someone who is selfish, and here just for the fun of it, when you can have someone with autism basically engage in pro-social child worship. We do exist, just so you know...

I just had to make my voice known on that issue, so I don't end up getting nagged by doctors to leave a movement that isn't hurting me. Parental rights trauma is what I actually have. It has nothing to do with my mother in modern-tense, but to the fact that my parents had the right to punish and abuse me. The fact that parents have those rights, and I can't stop them, is traumatic for me to know. Parental rights was the drug the teachers at school shoved in my face that I never took. It was spiritual harassment, proselytization...and I put it that way because I NEVER bought into that crap.

Neither her nor Dr. Ramer are falsifying anything. Around the time I changed doctors was the time I started to grow up and quit my entitlement towards children, then other people. That's all it is. I was very immature when I saw Dr. Ramer, and started to get out of my immature adolescent phase towards the time I sought a doctor geared towards an adult. Dr. Ramer might not recognize my attitudes now, I might say...I don't perceive autism prejudice from Dr. Ramer at all, and she isn't referring to my autism at all - it's the case of pedophilia that concerns her. Many with my profile have went on to being abusers. I think Hilary means well as well, but is being corralled by a deacon. Many with the disorder who have autism as well have behavior problems, and some have none. Some adults with autism like hiding things, and others like to show things, and both can be pedophiles, because genes can come in any combination. Those of us who like to treat the world like a courtroom and show all to all can see the plane of autism profiles from straight above, with a pro-social God complex, whereas the narcissistic types can see ahead more than I can. Everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses.

This page, as well as myself, supports autism awareness and acceptance both, meaning accept the individual, and be aware of what autism is by research and by the testimony of people with autism. Sometimes, it is a mental illness in an adult, sometimes it isn't. In my case, it is, due to it aggravating other issues, such as pedophilia. Anything can be a mental illness if it interferes with your life or the lives of others negatively, meaning also the reverse - if it's just abnormal and harms nobody, by the opinion of any mental health professional, it is not a disorder. If they are criminals or entitled members of society, we aren't going to get them to seek help, so get the justice system involved.

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