Sunday, April 4, 2021

Why the age of consent should be raised to 18

 Many sexually entitled adults, namely organized pedophiles, have advocated for lowering the age of consent to zero, or to some lower number, usually in the single digits. I oppose any age of consent in the reverse, and supporting the legal age to 18 here in Pennsylvania. Many use the Bible to support pro-sexual abuse initiatives, whereas God's Divine Jurisprudence is 100% in favor of an age of consent on par with the age of majority.

It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV:

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to self-defilement from perceived sexual contact from another person outside of marriage. Many abusers misuse the biblical context in order to justify abusive sexual acts against children. The reality is that, if you read the Law in full, to the lowest level of the context, you find that there is no excuse for abuse even there.

Under Jewish traditional law, marriages were to be of same-age, so not to bring shame on the bride's father. One could see it as young men going with their fathers to visit a young female of interest, and the father was heavily inclined to decline any offer from a much older man, due to social taboos on the subject. The marriage was finalized by sexual intercourse, which served as a final signature on the marriage contract. That's all the Bible sees marriage in terms of legal formation - a contract. But, a very important one nonetheless.

The Greek word πορνεία cross-references every sex crime law enacted in ancient Israel, both specifically stated and alluded to in the Old Testament, and elsewhere in the Bible. The age of majority was the legal age where adolescents could explore the opposite sex with elder supervision. The marriages were heavily unequal in the Old Testament, and somewhat unequal in the New Testament. 

What the age of majority was then is not relevant, because the age of majority is a legal concept that refers to the legal concept of "power of attorney". It isn't "your parents own you", but that your parents have legal guardianship over both your legal and medical affairs, and can make decisions on your behalf, perhaps without your permission, keeping in mind the best interests of the child. The age of majority is permanent and largely unchangeable power of attorney, that is age-based in nature. Due to the dependent status of children under age 18, no child under that age can consent to sex with adults. It would be like the boss having sex with the secretary, in terms of a purely "consensual" encounter.

Also, children tend to see adults as bigger and more powerful, to the point where sex with children will never be legalized, and seeking to legalize it in and of itself is adult sexual entitlement, as it is merely justifying adult self-interest...I'll believe it can be changed when every single child that is interviewed by an ombudsman wants sex with adults. Even as teenagers, most only want sex with other children of varying age differences. It is not my place to decide where the line should be drawn, except with a conservative bias, meaning counter-acting my own natural bias and wants. This means the children decide on this issue, and most aren't interested, and those that can be assumed to be ill-informed of the risks. There is no "date in the future" where "it can happen". Trying to make it happen alone would be a form of sexual abuse on a societal scale.

It says in Colossians 3:19 KJV:

Wives, submit to yourselves unto your own husbands. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

The Greek root word translated "love" here and throughout the Bible is αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to submission to the every vulnerable need of one's wife, including sexual needs. A wife, unlike a child, does have responsibilities, as does the Greek root word υποτασσο (Latin: hupotasso) and refers to reverent submission, revering the protection of one's husband and standing by him no matter what. But, "standing by" involves responsibilities that a child is not capable of, therefore there is harm in the marriage to the bride/victim, therefore no love, therefore no marriage, even if the law sees it as such. Even child marriage is banned under strict biblical tenses.

I support the legal age of consent being raised to 18, with strict liability for those OVER age 18. I also support an age of criminal responsibility of the same age - 18. In ancient Israel, both the age of consent and the age of criminal responsibility were on par. I support the prosecution of child-on-child incidents, but only in hindsight so not to punish a child, but an adult who didn't take responsibility. A child who commits a serious crime like murder or rape belongs in a psychiatric facility somewhere, not a prison cell.

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